
Gitee 极速下载IINA

Downloading. You can get IINA through several sources. For the latest stable and beta releases, visit the GitHub release page or the IINA official website. If ...

Releases · iinaiina

IINA 1.1.1 contains several bug fixes and the latest libass release, which resolves many problems related to ass subtitles.

iinaiina: The modern video player for macOS.

By default, it will download the universal ones. You can download other binaries from https://iina.io/dylibs/${ARCH}/fileList.txt where ARCH can be universal ... IINA · Releases 44 · Issues 1.7k · README.md

IINA for Mac

評分 8/10 (47) · 免費 · Mac OS · This modern video player allows users to adjust video settings, audio settings, subtitle settings, create playlists, crop video and more.

Download | IINA

If you already have IINA installed, you can change to beta channel by checking the Receive beta updates button in Preferences. Show downloads.

Nightly Download | IINA

Nightly builds are built by GitHub Actions based on each new commit on the develop branch. You may need to login on GitHub to download a nightly build.


IINA. The modern media player for macOS. GitHubGPLv3 Downloadv1.3.5. Requires OS X 10.13+, the latest macOS recommended. Download beta releases or nightly ...

Download IINA for Mac

IINA for Mac. Modern video player. Free In English. Version 1.3.5. Download (84.7 MB). 4.5. Based on 61 user rates.



IINA 免費功能強大的Mac 影音播放器功能技巧介紹,媲美PotPlayer

IINA 對於一般常見的影音格式例如MP4、MPEG、MOV、AVI等都能支援,甚至連最新次世代壓縮技術H265和H264的高達4K高清高畫質影片,只要顯卡可以硬解和Mac 電腦跑得動當然都是 ...


Downloading.YoucangetIINAthroughseveralsources.Forthelateststableandbetareleases,visittheGitHubreleasepageortheIINAofficialwebsite.If ...,IINA1.1.1containsseveralbugfixesandthelatestlibassrelease,whichresolvesmanyproblemsrelatedtoasssubtitles.,Bydefault,itwilldownloadtheuniversalones.Youcandownloadotherbinariesfromhttps://iina.io/dylibs/${ARCH}/fileList.txtwhereARCHcanbeuniversal ...IINA·Relea...