
Download | IINA

2023年12月31日 — Downloads · Stable releases · Beta releases · Install via Homebrew Cask · Browser extensions · Nightly builds.

I recently released Outplayer, a new video player for iOS ...

2019年3月30日 — IINA is gold standard when it comes to UI and native feel. Also mpv is a solid choice. Keep up with the good work!


For and only for modern macOS. IINA is born to be a modern macOS application, from its framework to the user interface. It adopts the post-Yosemite design ...


作者的目标是「做一个现代的macOS 视频播放器」,因此IINA播放器完美契合现代Mac 的设计风格,比起同类软件也很“超前” 地支持Touch Bar、Force Touch 等新的硬件特性,力求 ...

IINA Player Will Not Work · Issue #4384

2023年4月26日 — I'm running IOS 12.6.5 and IINA will crash every time I try to play any video. It'll open the video and IINA will crash immediately after ...

IINA 彙整- 蘋果仁

2021年1月24日 — 馬上就要到開學季了,相信有很多學生、老師都使用BTS 學生教育優惠專案購買了新的Mac,不管你是. 繼續閱讀 · 影音放軟體 ...


iPad版IINA的流行替代品。 探索更多iPad应用程序,例如IINA.

Outplayer on the App Store

Great app to mimic mpv and IINA on iPad. It's great, plays all the same files ... Requires iOS 15.0 or later. Apple Vision: Requires visionOS 1.0 or later ...

Support iOS or iPadOS? · Issue #3129 · iinaiina

2020年9月26日 — Me too. I came here to figure out how hard it would be to port IINA to iOS and iPadOS, but if there's going to be official support for it, ...


2023年12月31日—Downloads·Stablereleases·Betareleases·InstallviaHomebrewCask·Browserextensions·Nightlybuilds.,2019年3月30日—IINAisgoldstandardwhenitcomestoUIandnativefeel.Alsompvisasolidchoice.Keepupwiththegoodwork!,ForandonlyformodernmacOS.IINAisborntobeamodernmacOSapplication,fromitsframeworktotheuserinterface.Itadoptsthepost-Yosemitedesign ...,作者的目标是「做一个现代的macOS视频播放器」,因...