
Download Cydia Impactor to root Android Devices

2023年11月2日 — Cydia Impactor is a small application that allows you to root your Android Device running between Android 2.3 to Android 5.0 in a few clicks ...

How to root any Android Device using Cydia Impactor

Step-by-Step instructions to root any Android Device running on Android 2.3 to Android 5.0 using Cydia Impactor on Windows Computer.

Root your Android by Cydia Impactor

Cydia Impactor is a Windows Application that allows you to root any Android Device in a Single Click. It is developed by Saurik (Developer who created Cydia ...

Impactor Universal Unroot for Android - Download

It will analyze and detect which parts of your operative system have been changed from the stock version and what should be fixed, by removing root access, ...

Impactor Universal Unroot - 适用于Android的APK下载

2023年8月23日 — 它将通过删除root,busybox,额外的unix二进制文件,启动守护程序和根管理应用程序来分析操作系统的哪些部分已被更改以及应该修复的内容。 Impactor还提供 ...

Root Android Phones and Tablets Easily with Cydia Impactor

2019年4月10日 — How to Root Android Phones Using Cydia Impactor · Requirements: · Procedure: · Step #1: Download cydia impactor tool based on your operating ...

Impactor Universal Unroot

2023年8月22日 — Impactor Unroot 是專為Android 設備創建的終極一代unroot 工具。 該軟件可以讓用戶執行穩定、完整、快速的unroot。它將通過刪除root 訪問 ...

[guide]root almost every android device

2013年9月2日 — So this tool that im gonna share with you today is the **drum roll** cydia impactor!! This tool has the ability to root the android system ...


2023年11月2日—CydiaImpactorisasmallapplicationthatallowsyoutorootyourAndroidDevicerunningbetweenAndroid2.3toAndroid5.0inafewclicks ...,Step-by-StepinstructionstorootanyAndroidDevicerunningonAndroid2.3toAndroid5.0usingCydiaImpactoronWindowsComputer.,CydiaImpactorisaWindowsApplicationthatallowsyoutorootanyAndroidDeviceinaSingleClick.ItisdevelopedbySaurik(DeveloperwhocreatedCydia ...,Itwillanalyz...