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潛在目標消費者(In-marketAudience):用戶對於特定的主題正在積極尋找資料是處於考慮或評估狀態。Google根據他們尋找的主題進行分類。這類Data適用於 ...,In-marketaudiencesaregroupsofonlineusersGoogleanalyzesanddeterminesarelookingtobuyaspecificproductorser...。參考影片的文章的如下:


SEM 實戰攻略(3) – 從Google Data 的分類到廣告優化

潛在目標消費者(In-market Audience): 用戶對於特定的主題正在積極尋找資料是處於考慮或評估狀態。Google根據他們尋找的主題進行分類。這類Data適用於 ...

How to Use In-Market Audiences: Tried-and

In-market audiences are groups of online users Google analyzes and determines are looking to buy a specific product or service -- here's what to know. How to build your first in... · Best practices · In-market audiences vs. affinity...

In-market audiences: Reach people who are ready to buy

In-market audiences are curated lists of customers who have shown purchase intent signals within a particular category, including searches and clicks on ...

About in-market audiences

In-market audiences are curated lists of customers who have shown purchase intent signals within a particular category, including searches and clicks on ...


為了吸引In-Market Audiences,較好的做法是製作符合到達頁的主題、內含號召性用語(Call to action, CTA)和產品服務內容的橫幅廣告,以提高轉化率。 2. 針對相關網站使用橫幅 ...

In-market audience targeting

In-market audiences allow you to find customers who are researching products or services and actively considering buying something like what you offer as they browse pages across the web .

Ultimate Guide to Understanding In

For in-market audiences, you'll select the specific product or service categories that align with what you're advertising. Meanwhile, with ...

What are in-market audiences in digital marketing?

In-market audiences are groups of potential customers who are actively researching or comparing products and services in a specific category.

In-Market Audiences

In-market audiences is a way to connect with consumers who are actively researching or comparing products and services across Google Display Network publisher ...


潛在目標消費者(In-marketAudience):用戶對於特定的主題正在積極尋找資料是處於考慮或評估狀態。Google根據他們尋找的主題進行分類。這類Data適用於 ...,In-marketaudiencesaregroupsofonlineusersGoogleanalyzesanddeterminesarelookingtobuyaspecificproductorservice--here'swhattoknow.Howtobuildyourfirstin...·Bestpractices·In-marketaudiencesvs.affinity...,In-marketaudiencesarecuratedlistsofcustomerswhohaveshow...