indexzero http server
indexzero http server

http-serverisasimple,zero-configurationcommand-linestaticHTTPserver.Itispowerfulenoughforproductionusage,butit'ssimpleandhackableenough ...,Thehttp-serverpackagewascreatedbytheamazingIndexZero(akaCharlieRobbins)whoasauthoredanumberofnpmpackages.H...


http-serverisasimple,zero-configurationcommand-linestaticHTTPserver.Itispowerfulenoughforproductionusage,butit'ssimpleandhackableenoughto ...

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a simple zero-configuration command-line http server

http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command-line static HTTP server. It is powerful enough for production usage, but it's simple and hackable enough ...

Create a Web Server in Node without any Code

The http-server package was created by the amazing IndexZero (aka Charlie Robbins) who as authored a number of npm packages. Here's a ...

How do I run http-server in the background · Issue #189

Running: http-server . & Doesn't seem to work. It also doesn't play nice with forever or supervisor. Any other suggestions?

How do I serve index.html by default in my http-server

Try to put you static file inside a new directory public. and run you server http-server - app.js -public --index.html -package.json


http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command-line static HTTP server. It is powerful enough for production usage, but it's simple and hackable enough to ...


http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command-line static HTTP server. It is powerful enough for production usage, but it's simple and hackable enough to ...

indexzerohttp-server-1-简介- 慢行厚积

com/indexzero/http-server. http-server: a command-line http server一个命令行http服务器. http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command ...

indexzerohttp-server-2-使用- 慢行厚积

1.首先在ethereumjs-vm/examples/run-transactions-simple目录下将http-server运行起来: · 2.然后就能够在浏览器中访问当前目录下的文件了,首先可以查看 ...

zsh: command not found? (Example)

I've installed http-server and gulp but when I type http-server I get the response zsh: command not found and I'm not quite sure how to ...


http-serverisasimple,zero-configurationcommand-linestaticHTTPserver.Itispowerfulenoughforproductionusage,butit'ssimpleandhackableenough ...,Thehttp-serverpackagewascreatedbytheamazingIndexZero(akaCharlieRobbins)whoasauthoredanumberofnpmpackages.Here'sa ...,Running:http-server.&Doesn'tseemtowork.Italsodoesn'tplaynicewithforeverorsupervisor.Anyothersuggestions?,Trytoputyoustaticfileinsideane...