Learn English Grammar

InEnglish,however,thewordisuncountable,iethereisnopluralformofit.Thesingularformalreadyexpressesthesameideaas“informations”inother ...,Informationisconsideredanon-countwordinEnglishwhichmeansitcanbeusedasbothpluralandsingularwithoutchangingitsfor...。參考影片的文章的如下:


3 “Information is” “informations are”

In English, however, the word is uncountable, ie there is no plural form of it. The singular form already expresses the same idea as “informations” in other ...

Can the word information be used with both singular and plural ...

Information is considered a non-count word in English which means it can be used as both plural and singular without changing its form.

EN: (the) information(s) + singular plural

Information in English is always singular, never plural, regardless of the amount of information. Always use the information is.

How to use the word “information”

In English the word “information” is an uncountable noun. You can never, ever, for any reason whatsoever, say “an information” or “informations”.

Information - Grammar

We do not use information in the plural form and we do not use it with a/an. We use piece or pieces to make information countable:.

Plural of information | Learn English

Information is a mass noun. It has no plural form. French and German languages have plural forms of the noun information but in English the word is uncountable.

rgrammar on Reddit

Information is always used in the singular, even when it describes multiple facts or learning processes.

Which is correct, are information or is information?

Information is always singular. This is because, it is considered as an uncountable noun. You can remember this easily with the following ...

Why doesn't information have a plural in English if it has a ...

Information is uncountable in English, you'd have to say two pieces of information or something similar.


InEnglish,however,thewordisuncountable,iethereisnopluralformofit.Thesingularformalreadyexpressesthesameideaas“informations”inother ...,Informationisconsideredanon-countwordinEnglishwhichmeansitcanbeusedasbothpluralandsingularwithoutchangingitsform.,InformationinEnglishisalwayssingular,neverplural,regardlessoftheamountofinformation.Alwaysusetheinformationis.,InEnglishtheword“information”isanunc...







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