
Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word: How to insert checkboxes in Word docs · Launch a Word document and click on the File drop-down menu. · Choose Options from ...

Introduction to Adding Checkboxes in Word

Go to the File menu. · Select Options. · In the Word Options dialog, choose Customize Ribbon. · In the right pane, check the Developer checkbox.

Make a checklist in Word

Go to Developer and select the Check Box Content Control at the beginning of the first line. Checkbox control in the Controls group on the developer ribbon.

Insert a check box

If the Controls task pane is not visible, click More Controls on the Insert menu, or press ALT+I, C. Under Insert controls, click Check Box. In the Check Box ...

How to Add Check Boxes to Word Documents - How

In your Word document, on the Home tab, click the small arrow to the right of the Bullet List button. On the drop-down menu, select the Define New Bullet ...

How To Insert a Checkbox in Word (With 2 Methods and Tips)

How to insert a checkbox in Word Navigate to the Symbols section of the bullet point menu. First, click on the space in the document where you'd like the checkbox to appear. ... Select the checkbox option in Symbols ... Type your list usi

How do I add a checkbox in Microsoft Word

Using Bulleted Lists · 1. Highlight the text that requires checkboxes. · 2. Go to the Home tab, click the Bullets dropdown, and choose Define New Bullet. Using ...

How to Add Check Boxes to Word: 10 Simple Steps

1. Open a document. 2. Click File. 3. Select Customize Ribbon and then click Main Tabs. 4. Check the Developer box. 5. Click Save. 6. Click Developer. 7.

How to Add a Clickable Checkbox in Microsoft Word

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a checkbox in Microsoft Word, which can be useful for creating forms, checklists, surveys, ...


MicrosoftWord:HowtoinsertcheckboxesinWorddocs·LaunchaWorddocumentandclickontheFiledrop-downmenu.·ChooseOptionsfrom ...,GototheFilemenu.·SelectOptions.·IntheWordOptionsdialog,chooseCustomizeRibbon.·Intherightpane,checktheDevelopercheckbox.,GotoDeveloperandselecttheCheckBoxContentControlatthebeginningofthefirstline.CheckboxcontrolintheControlsgrouponthedeveloperribbon.,IftheControlstaskpaneisnot...

Excel 如何製作可以打勾的按鈕?

Excel 如何製作可以打勾的按鈕?
