
Cask boost 1.85.0 considered malware by Intego antivirus

Cask boost 1.85.0 considered malware by Intego antivirus.

A Layman's Guide to Ransomware Protection for Mac

2016年8月24日 — As with any smart security strategy, for ransomware protection the best defense is made up of multiple layers. This guide explains how to ...

Now Offering

Using the latest technology in behavior analysis and Malware detection, Intego Antivirus will protect your system in Real-Time by blocking Malware, Spyware, ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Intego VirusBarrier Scanner」

2021年1月18日 — Free antivirus and malware security for your Mac! Intego Virus-Barrier Scanner can scan and remove Mac and Windows malware with a single click.

New Mac ransomware

2020年7月1日 — On Monday, June 29, Intego's research team was alerted to new Mac malware spreading in the wild via BitTorrent.

New Mac Ransomware-wiper

2020年7月3日 — New malware targeting the Mac was discovered this week; it's a hybrid ransomware-wiper-spyware, but you don't need to worry if you don't ...

Sideloading on iOS, Lockbit Ransomware on Mac, and ...

2023年4月20日 — Lockbit ransomware is starting to target Macs, two zero-day Chrome vulnerabilities require urgent updates, and sideloading - installing apps ...

Ransomware Archives

New Mac ransomware-spyware EvilQuest in the wild. On Monday, June 29, Intego began investigating new Mac malware spreading in the wild via BitTorrent. Although ...

Intego Antivirus Review 2024: A Top

Where we feel Intego does well: Excellent testing scores on anti-malware capability; Both manual and scheduled malware scans; User-friendly NetBarrier Firewall ...


Caskboost1.85.0consideredmalwarebyIntegoantivirus.,2016年8月24日—Aswithanysmartsecuritystrategy,forransomwareprotectionthebestdefenseismadeupofmultiplelayers.Thisguideexplainshowto ...,UsingthelatesttechnologyinbehavioranalysisandMalwaredetection,IntegoAntiviruswillprotectyoursysteminReal-TimebyblockingMalware,Spyware, ...,2021年1月18日—FreeantivirusandmalwaresecurityforyourMac!IntegoVirus-Bar...