interactive whiteboard
interactive whiteboard

2024年2月14日—alargeelectronicscreenlinkedtoacomputer,thatisusedinaclassroomtoshowinformationandthatcanbewrittenonbytouchingit ...,Acollaborative,digitalwhiteboardmakesiteasytocreatewithoutboundariesandshareideasinrealtime.Jamboardmovesthewhitebo...

Interactive Whiteboards vs. Interactive Displays

2021年5月27日—Atraditionalinteractivewhiteboardusesaprojectorthatdisplaystheimageonaspecialscreenequippedwithcamerasandsensorsthatenable ...

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2024年2月14日 — a large electronic screen linked to a computer, that is used in a classroom to show information and that can be written on by touching it ...

Google Jamboard

A collaborative, digital whiteboard makes it easy to create without boundaries and share ideas in real time. Jamboard moves the whiteboard to the cloud.

Interactive whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard (IWB), also known as interactive board or smart board, is a large interactive display board in the form factor of a whiteboard. is an online whiteboard tool for teachers and classrooms - great for formative assessment!

Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive Whiteboard, 55'' 4K UHD Digital Whiteboard, Interactive Touch Screen Smartboard, Smart Board for Classroom and Business, Robust App Ecosystem for ...

Interactive Whiteboards vs. Interactive Displays

2021年5月27日 — A traditional interactive whiteboard uses a projector that displays the image on a special screen equipped with cameras and sensors that enable ...

All you need to know about interactive whiteboards

2022年8月9日 — What is an interactive whiteboard? An interactive whiteboard is a monitor where you can interact with the content displayed on this monitor.


Built-in whiteboard app ◎ Shortcut on two sides of whiteboard for classes ◎ 83” to 103” for different classroom dimensions. Share: Product Inquiry.

互動觸控白板AOV IWB

Interactive Touch Display 互動觸控電子白板. ♡強大4K UHD Panel, 20點觸控面板; ♡Android Windows 雙系統(OPS內插電腦為選購配件);


2024年2月14日—alargeelectronicscreenlinkedtoacomputer,thatisusedinaclassroomtoshowinformationandthatcanbewrittenonbytouchingit ...,Acollaborative,digitalwhiteboardmakesiteasytocreatewithoutboundariesandshareideasinrealtime.Jamboardmovesthewhiteboardtothecloud.,Aninteractivewhiteboard(IWB),alsoknownasinteractiveboardorsmartboard,isalargeinteractivedisplayboardintheformfactorofawhiteboard.,White...