
OFCA Broadband Performance Test

Depending on the minimum requirement for the transfer of test file, a minimum speed of 512 kbps for fixed broadband connection may apply. Data Speed Required ...

香港網絡速度測試SpeedTest HK

根據Ookla 的數據,Mobile Network 上,香港在2024年6 月的結果如下。香港的下載速度平均值為61.36Mbps,上載速度為12.59Mbps,Latency 為17ms,在全球的排名至39 位。 至於 ...

Hong Kong Speed Test

Hong Kong connection speed test, average speed, max speed, fastest ISPs, fastest cities & test results. Test My Internet and compare.

Local Connection Speed Test | Internet Speed Test

Test your internet speed with HKBN's reliable Speed Test. Get accurate results for download, upload, and latency. Check your connection now!




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Hong Kong (SAR)'s Mobile and Broadband Internet Speeds

Hong Kong (SAR) ranked 48th in the world for mobile speeds and 3rd for fixed broadband speeds during January 2025.

Hong Kong: fixed internet connection speed 2025

The median download speed of the fixed internet connection in Hong Kong stood at 305.71 megabits per second in January 2025.

香港網速測試- SpeedTest HK (寛頻5G 均適用)

根據Speedtest 進行的國際性報告,香港在2022 年7 月公佈的結果,Mobile Network 上,香港的下載速度平均值為47.10Mbps,上載速度為10.66Mbps,Latency 為19ms,在全球的排名升至 ...


Dependingontheminimumrequirementforthetransferoftestfile,aminimumspeedof512kbpsforfixedbroadbandconnectionmayapply.DataSpeedRequired ...,根據Ookla的數據,MobileNetwork上,香港在2024年6月的結果如下。香港的下載速度平均值為61.36Mbps,上載速度為12.59Mbps,Latency為17ms,在全球的排名至39位。至於 ...,HongKongconnectionspeedtest,averagespeed,maxspeed,fastestISPs,fastestcities&testresults.TestMyIn...