Intro to DNS

TheInternetStorageNameService(iSNS)isaprotocolthatenablesautomateddiscoveryandmanagementofiSCSIdevicesonaTCP/IPstorage ...,TheInternetStorageNameService(iSNS)isaprotocolthatallowsdynamicdiscoveryofiSCSIinitiatorsandtargetswithinanIPstorageareanet...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) in ONTAP

The Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) is a protocol that enables automated discovery and management of iSCSI devices on a TCP/IP storage ...

The iSNS Technology (Overview) (System Administration Guide

The Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) is a protocol that allows dynamic discovery of iSCSI initiators and targets within an IP storage area network SAN.

14 iSNS for Linux - Network storage

Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) is a standards-based service that simplifies the automated discovery, management, and configuration of iSCSI devices on a ...

Internet Storage Name Service

The proposed Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) protocol allows automated discovery, management and configuration of iSCSI and Fibre Channel devices Features · Components · Services · Discovery domains and login...

設定| SAN Manager

iSNS (Internet Storage Name Service) 提供了中央管理的機制,您可以向iSNS 伺服器註冊所有的iSCSI Target。 若要向iSNS 伺服器註冊iSCSI Target:. 按一下iSNS並勾選 ...

設定| DSM

iSNS (Internet Storage Name Service) 提供了中央管理的機制,您可以向iSNS 伺服器註冊所有的iSCSI Target。 若要向iSNS 伺服器註冊iSCSI Target:. 按一下iSNS並勾選 ...

Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS)

The Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) is a protocol that enables automated discovery and management of iSCSI devices on a TCP/IP storage network.

何謂iSNS (Internet Storage Name Service)

iSNS 伺服器其實是一個保存所有iSCSI 節點資訊的動態資料庫, 提供 iSCSI 網路設備搜尋, 建立探索網域群組實現登入控制, iSCSI 節點狀態變更通知, 讓管理者 ...


iSNS((Internet Storage Name Service,網際網路儲存名稱服務)iSNS是一項基於標準的服務,使用它可方便地自動發現、管理和配置TCP/IP網路上iSCSI設備。


iSNS是網際網路儲存命名服務(Internet Storage Name Service)的縮寫,可為iSCSI環境提供裝置探索,以及連線組態的設定與管理服務,也能透過FCP協定管理光纖 ...


TheInternetStorageNameService(iSNS)isaprotocolthatenablesautomateddiscoveryandmanagementofiSCSIdevicesonaTCP/IPstorage ...,TheInternetStorageNameService(iSNS)isaprotocolthatallowsdynamicdiscoveryofiSCSIinitiatorsandtargetswithinanIPstorageareanetworkSAN.,InternetStorageNameService(iSNS)isastandards-basedservicethatsimplifiestheautomateddiscovery,management,andconfigurationofiSCSIdevicesona ......