How to Record Screen on Windows 10

TryrepairingorresettingtheSnippingToolappandseeifitresolvestheissue.ClicktheStartbutton>Settings>Apps>InstalledApps>Scrolldownand ...,Trycheckingifyourantivirus/securitysoftwaresettingblocksscreenrecordingtooltofetchdesktoprecordingorproducingthe...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Screen recording doesn't work on Windows 11

Try repairing or resetting the Snipping Tool app and see if it resolves the issue. Click the Start button > Settings > Apps > Installed Apps > Scroll down and ...

Screenrecorder not working anymore... it's producing 1Kb file only..

Try checking if your antivirus/security software setting blocks screen recording tool to fetch desktop recording or producing the video file on the hard drive.

Screen Recorder not accessible

Go to Settings>Apps, tap the Menu button and then Show System, and look for Screen Recorder -- is it Disabled? If so, make sure to Enable it and then try again.

IObit Fun Screen Recorder Icon Appears In ASC Performance ...

My next thought is to uninstall the IObit iFun Screen Recorder 1.2x software, then reinstall it at a later time, unless you have an alternate ...

No sound is recorded - iFun Screen Recorder V1

No sound is recorded. the microphone works in Windows 10. how to solve the problem?

Lost screen recordings after update

Please checked the new directory and old directory that you saved the recorded videos. If you can not find them, please search in all your disks ...

Why Is My Screen Recording Not Working? How to Fix It?

Go to System Settings and make sure the screen recorder has the necessary permissions. · Restart your device · Update your system/graphics card ...

Why Is Screen Recording Not Working & How to Fix

1. Restart Computer · 2. Enable Xbox Game Bar · 3. Close Unused Software or Processes · 4. Enable Screen Recording on Mac · 5. Clear Up Storage · 6.

Why isn't my screen recorder working on my phone?

Most screen shots are take by volume down and power button at the same time, in some cases it's the home button and power button pressed at the same time.

Why am I unable to screen record in some apps and it shows only ...

Why isn't my screen recorder working on my phone? The most common reasons would be not enough storage space to run or save. It's possible if ...


TryrepairingorresettingtheSnippingToolappandseeifitresolvestheissue.ClicktheStartbutton>Settings>Apps>InstalledApps>Scrolldownand ...,Trycheckingifyourantivirus/securitysoftwaresettingblocksscreenrecordingtooltofetchdesktoprecordingorproducingthevideofileontheharddrive.,GotoSettings>Apps,taptheMenubuttonandthenShowSystem,andlookforScreenRecorder--isitDisabled?Ifso,makesuretoEnab...