How to Fix iPhone 8 Plus Bluetooth Not Working Issue ...

2022年8月17日—...BluetoothissuesistoensureyouriPhoneistransmittingitsBluetoothsignalproperly.1.OpentheSettingsapp.2.TapBluetooth.3.Make ...,2014年10月1日—ItappearsthatAppleisyettocatchabreakfromiOS8-relatedtroubles.Accordingtoanewreport,Bluetooth...。參考影片的文章的如下:


6 ways to fix an iPhone that won't connect to Bluetooth

2022年8月17日 — ... Bluetooth issues is to ensure your iPhone is transmitting its Bluetooth signal properly. 1. Open the Settings app. 2. Tap Bluetooth. 3. Make ...

Apple iOS 8 found to cause Bluetooth connectivity issues

2014年10月1日 — It appears that Apple is yet to catch a break from iOS 8-related troubles. According to a new report, Bluetooth connectivity issues plague ...

Apple's iOS 8 causing Bluetooth connectivity issues

2014年10月1日 — Apple Inc's new mobile operating system iOS8 is causing significant issues for some users who connect their phones to cars via Bluetooth, ...

Apple's iOS 8 causing Bluetooth connectivity issues?

2014年10月2日 — Several issues faced by users include the devices refusing to pair entirely, neglecting to play audio over the speakers, or disconnecting ...

If you can't connect a Bluetooth accessory to your iPhone ...

2023年12月27日 — Try these steps first · Make sure that your Bluetooth accessory and iOS or iPadOS device are close to each other. · Turn your Bluetooth accessory ...

ios 8 bluetooth problems

2014年9月25日 — ios 8 bluetooth problems · 1) On iPhone, forget device · 2) On Device, forget iPhone · 3) On iPhone, Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset All ...

iOS 8 Troubles Continue. iPhones Hit By Bluetooth Problems

2014年10月2日 — iOS 8 problems mount as reports of Bluetooth connectivity issues follow WiFi and battery life complaints.

iPhone 8 Won't Connect To Bluetooth? Here's The Fix!

Turning Bluetooth off and back on again is sometimes enough to fix minor connectivity issues between your iPhone and Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth In Settings.

iPhone Bluetooth not working? Here's how to fix it

2022年10月3日 — Here are our tips for troubleshooting iPhone Bluetooth issues. Make sure your phone's Bluetooth is turned on. It may sound painfully obvious, ...


2022年8月17日—...BluetoothissuesistoensureyouriPhoneistransmittingitsBluetoothsignalproperly.1.OpentheSettingsapp.2.TapBluetooth.3.Make ...,2014年10月1日—ItappearsthatAppleisyettocatchabreakfromiOS8-relatedtroubles.Accordingtoanewreport,Bluetoothconnectivityissuesplague ...,2014年10月1日—AppleInc'snewmobileoperatingsystemiOS8iscausingsignificantissuesforsomeuserswhoconnecttheirphonestocarsviaB...