
iOS 8-iOS 8.1.2 untethered jailbreak

IBTimes UK explores the top ten Cydia apps and tweaks of 2014 for iOS 8 jailbroken devices.

iOS 8.1.2

iOS 8.1.2. This tweak lets you customize your third-party notification sounds · Josh Pasholk ∙ May 28, 2015.

Any control center tweaks that works in iOS 8.1.2? : rjailbreak

Been using CCSettings since 8.0 through 8.1.2 and no issues, works perfect all the time.

Massive 122 Tweak List for iOS 8 iPhone 6 : rjailbreak

This is simply report on my (large-122 tweaks!) setup and how the tweaks performed for me on my iPhone 6 running iOS 8.1.1, and how they helped ...

Top 8 Best iOS 8 Cydia Tweaks

WATCH FIRST For Cool Tweaks, Follow Me: http://twitter.com/#!/iCrackUriDevice Top 8 iOS 8 Cydia Tweaks iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak TaiG Compatible!

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Tweaks

Tweak Names and Prices: Cask (Free) Author: Ryan Petrich | Twitter: http://twitter.com/rpetrich Cydia source necessary for Cask: ...

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Tweaks

Tweak Names, Prices, and Developers: Sleeper ($0.99) Author: Joshua Seltzer | Twitter: N/A AppETA ($0.99) Author: Smartviper E75 | Twitter: ...

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Tweaks

Tweak Names and Prices: Auxo Legacy Edition ($1.99) Author: A3Tweaks | Twitter: http://twitter.com/A3tweaks | Developer: ...

Aquaboard - iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Tweak

Twe4kz & Themes for iOS 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's on my Jailbroken iPhone?

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Tweaks

Tweak Names and Prices: ColorBanners ($0.99) Author: David Goldman | Twitter: N/A VolumeBanner (Free) Author: CP Digital Darkroom | Twitter: ...


IBTimesUKexploresthetoptenCydiaappsandtweaksof2014foriOS8jailbrokendevices.,iOS8.1.2.Thistweakletsyoucustomizeyourthird-partynotificationsounds·JoshPasholk∙May28,2015.,BeenusingCCSettingssince8.0through8.1.2andnoissues,worksperfectallthetime.,Thisissimplyreportonmy(large-122tweaks!)setupandhowthetweaksperformedformeonmyiPhone6runningiOS8.1.1,andhowtheyhelped ...,WATCHFIRSTForCoolTweaks,FollowM...