iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak iOS 8 Update, TaiG Vs Pangu iOS 8.1 ...

2014年12月2日—AlthoughtheChinese-developedPangutoolissufficienttojailbreakiOS8.0toiOS8.1,theTaiGtoolhasbeenspecificallyadoptedto ...,2018年4月18日—SimplymakesureyouusethelatestversionofTaiG.NotethatTaiGcanbeusedtojailbreakiPhone,iPad,andiPodtouch...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How To Jailbreak iOS 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 (All Devices) With TaiG ...

2014年12月2日 — Although the Chinese-developed Pangu tool is sufficient to jailbreak iOS 8.0 to iOS 8.1, the TaiG tool has been specifically adopted to ...

How to jailbreak iOS 8.1.1 and iOS 8.1.2 with TaiG

2018年4月18日 — Simply make sure you use the latest version of TaiG. Note that TaiG can be used to jailbreak iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch running iOS 8, iOS 8.0 ...

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak tool for Mac

2015年1月18日 — Just ran this on an iPhone 6. It works, it installs Cydia, there's no Pangu icon that comes with it. Just a Cydia app. Which is nice ...

IOS Jailbreak 8.1.3

IOS Jailbreak 8.1.3, Glencoe, Minnesota 。 1985 個 ... To find a way to Jailbreak ios 8.1.2 without having to ... · Haroon Saeed · ???? 1 · ????.

Jailbreak iOS 8 And iOS 8.1 With Pangu On iPhone 6, 6 ...

2014年12月16日 — UPDATE: Team Pangu has released a tool to jailbreak iOS 8 to iOS 8.1 untethered on iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, all iPads, and iPod ...

Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 And iOS 8.1.1 With Taig On iPhone 6, 6 ...

2015年2月14日 — Apple's iOS 8.0 – 8.1 software has been well and truly pwned courtesy of the Pangu team, but whilst their tool has helped thousands of iPhone, ...


2014年12月2日—AlthoughtheChinese-developedPangutoolissufficienttojailbreakiOS8.0toiOS8.1,theTaiGtoolhasbeenspecificallyadoptedto ...,2018年4月18日—SimplymakesureyouusethelatestversionofTaiG.NotethatTaiGcanbeusedtojailbreakiPhone,iPad,andiPodtouchrunningiOS8,iOS8.0 ...,2015年1月18日—JustranthisonaniPhone6.Itworks,itinstallsCydia,there'snoPanguiconthatcomeswithit.JustaCydiaapp.Whichisnice ...,IO...