
Choose an IPSW for iOS 8.3

Download current and previous versions of Apple's iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, audioOS and macOS firmware and receive notifications when new firmwares are ...

Download TaiG 2.0 Jailbreak iOS 8.3, iOS 8.2 And iOS 8.1. ...

2015年6月23日 — TaiG 2.0 jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3, iOS 8.3 and iOS 8.2 download has been released for compatible iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices.

How To Jailbreak iOS 8.3, 8.2, 8.1.3 With TaiG v2 [Tutorial]

2015年6月30日 — Open the downloaded TaiG Jailbreak tool. Step 4: If the Apple device can't be discovered by the jailbreak tool, it will present a window that ...

iOS 8.1.3 Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

2015年6月23日 — iOS 8.3 Untethered Jailbreak Tutorial (Compatible With iOS 8.1.3 And Above). Download the .exe file of data-backup upgrade mode of TaiG Pro.

Jailbreak iPod Touch - Download

2023年5月26日 — Download Jailbreak iPod Touch - Jailbreak iPod Touch is a freeware which can be use as solution for Jailbreak your iPod Touch.

Steps to jailbreak iOS 8.3

... jailbreak. Fresh restore to iOS 8.3 is recommended: Download iOS 8.3 Final For iPhone And iPad; iTunes 12.0.1 is required. F. Continue Reading. Apple released ...

Taig Releases Jailbreak for iOS 8.3

2015年6月23日 — 3-iOS 8.3 untethered jailbreak. ... You can download the Taig Jailbreak Utility 2.0.

The iOS 8.3 Jailbreak Is Now Available

2015年6月23日 — This is the first jailbreak since iOS 8.1.2 and it's currently only available for Windows. The process for jailbreaking is super easy: Download ...


DownloadcurrentandpreviousversionsofApple'siOS,iPadOS,watchOS,tvOS,audioOSandmacOSfirmwareandreceivenotificationswhennewfirmwaresare ...,2015年6月23日—TaiG2.0jailbreakforiOS8.1.3,iOS8.3andiOS8.2downloadhasbeenreleasedforcompatibleiPhone,iPadandiPodtouchdevices.,2015年6月30日—OpenthedownloadedTaiGJailbreaktool.Step4:IftheAppledevicecan'tbediscoveredbythejailbreaktool,itwillpresentawindowthat .....