iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak



How to Jailbreak iOS 9.2

Step1: Launch 3uTools on a PC. Connect your iDevice to PC using the USB cable. Click Flash & JB -- Jailbreak.

Pangu iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak 教學(iOS 9.2

越獄過程中需要登入Apple 帳號,在此建議讀者申請一個假的Apple 帳號作越獄之用,以免蘋果封鎖主帳號。;. PanGu iOS 9.2

The latest Pangu jailbreak tool allows the user to jailbreak iOS devices on the demand. The user can easily jailbreak the iOS devices by running the click-to- ...


... Jailbreak application installed on your device! Supported iOS Versions: iOS 9.3.3 iOS 9.3.2 iOS 9.3.1 iOS 9.3 iOS 9.2.1 iOS 9.2. Supported ...

[iOS9越獄]免裝越獄APP也能透過網頁激活盤古iOS 9.2

激活教學. Step 1. ▽ 透過Safari瀏覽器開啟「」網頁,點下「go」就可激活越獄。

越獄為何變得簡單?台灣網民踢爆iOS 9.3.3 能JB 背後的 ...

iOS 9.3.3 的JB 工具早前已經推出,用戶只需安裝越獄App 就可以輕易地進行越獄,但是為何越獄會那麼快完成?最近有台灣網民踢爆背後的真相,原來iOS ...


Step1:Launch3uToolsonaPC.ConnectyouriDevicetoPCusingtheUSBcable.ClickFlash&JB--Jailbreak.,越獄過程中需要登入Apple帳號,在此建議讀者申請一個假的Apple帳號作越獄之用,以免蘋果封鎖主帳號。;.,ThelatestPangujailbreaktoolallowstheusertojailbreakiOSdevicesonthedemand.TheusercaneasilyjailbreaktheiOSdevicesbyrunningtheclick-to- ...,...Jailbreakapplicationinstalledonyourdevice!SupportediOSVersions:i...