
Specifying your app's launch screen

Choose File > New > File. Under User Interface, select Launch Screen, and click Next. Give the launch screen file a name, choose a location, select the target that you want to add the file to, and click Create. In the settings for you

Adding a launch screen to your iOS app

Then select Runner/Assets.xcassets from the Project Navigator and drop in the desired images to the LaunchImage image set. Apple provides ...

Use Launch images in iOS project

Using UILaunchImages key in the plist file for adding launch images is a correct way for iOS12 (to be tested on 13). Do not define ...

Launch Screen Image not Updating!!!

The only workaround that works for me was to add the images outside Images.xcassets folder. After modified this and rebuild the app, it worked expected. Some ...

3 Steps to Add a Launch Screen to a SwiftUI iOS app

3 Steps to Add a Launch Screen to a SwiftUI iOS app · 1. Set up Files · 2. Prettying our Launch Screen · 3. Complete 2 requirements from Xcode.

How to Design and Add a Launch Screen for Your iOS App

Navigate to the new Launch Screen page. Click on the plus icon and drag your launch screen image to the middle of the phone. Resize your image ...


In Xcode open your Assets catalog (or create a new one), right-click in the assets section and select App Icons & Launch Images -> New iOS Launch Image.

Xcode Launch Image Source - ios

Go to the Asset Catalog Launch Image Set Name option and set its value to the name of the iOS launch image you created. If you went with the ...

How to create a launch screen in XCode

A step by step guide on creating splash screens with multiple images for iOS, MacOS, TVOS or WatchOS apps using XCode.

How to add Launch Screen to your iOS app with Xcode

Hello friends! Let's learn how to add Launch Screen to your iOS or cross-platform (React Native, Flutter) app with Xcode.


ChooseFile>New>File.UnderUserInterface,selectLaunchScreen,andclickNext.Givethelaunchscreenfileaname,choosealocation,selectthetargetthatyouwanttoaddthefileto,andclickCreate.Inthesettingsforyou,ThenselectRunner/Assets.xcassetsfromtheProjectNavigatoranddropinthedesiredimagestotheLaunchImageimageset.Appleprovides ...,UsingUILaunchImageskeyintheplistfileforaddinglaunchimagesisacorrectwayforiO...