
Launch Screen - Graphics

Static Launch Screen Images ; iPhone 6s, iPhone 6, 750px by 1334px, 1334px by 750px ; iPhone SE, 640px by 1136px, 1136px by 640px ; 12.9-inch iPad Pro, 2048px by ...

iOS Design Handbook - Launch Screen

Do's and Don't. Avoid using multiple colors, text, images, or other elements on your launch screen. Make sure that your launch screen is not more than 25MB.

Asset Catalog Format Reference

Launch images contain the different sizes and resolutions for an app launch image. They are required for iOS 7.0 and earlier.

launch image resizing in Xcode 12

I am using an image for splash screen in my IOS app but on launch the image size is shrinking after 1 sec. I have turned off auto resizing also.

ios launch-screen image size

It's best to use an Xcode storyboard for your launch screen, but you can provide a set of static images if necessary. Create static images in different sizes ...

How to Design and Add a Launch Screen for Your iOS App

Navigate to the new Launch Screen page. Click on the plus icon and drag your launch screen image to the middle of the phone. Resize your image to fit the phone ...


I am confused as to what size images do i need to provide for the 1x 2x and 3x image assets. The images are full-screen images with a little bit of text.

IOS launch image sizes - xcode

The ios App Programming Guide states the following launch image sizes for iPad apps: 1024x748px and 2048x1496px . Yet in XCode, I am given the ...

Launch Image

Requirements. Size: minimum 2732 px x 2732 px, maximum 5000 px x 5000 px; less than 5 MB recommended. Format: ...


StaticLaunchScreenImages;iPhone6s,iPhone6,750pxby1334px,1334pxby750px;iPhoneSE,640pxby1136px,1136pxby640px;12.9-inchiPadPro,2048pxby ...,Do'sandDon't.Avoidusingmultiplecolors,text,images,orotherelementsonyourlaunchscreen.Makesurethatyourlaunchscreenisnotmorethan25MB.,Launchimagescontainthedifferentsizesandresolutionsforanapplaunchimage.TheyarerequiredforiOS7.0andearlier.,Iamusinganimageforspla...