iOS 15



QRCodeReader.swift on

QRCodeReader.swift is a simple code reader (initially only QRCode) for iOS in Swift. It is based on the AVFoundation framework from Apple.


An easy QR code reader for iOS written in Swift. Contribute to vinodiOS/SwiftQRCodeScanner development by creating an account on GitHub.

yannicklQRCodeReader.swift: Simple QRCode reader in ...

QRCodeReader.swift is a simple code reader (initially only QRCode) for iOS in Swift. It is based on the AVFoundation framework from Apple in order to replace ...

QRCode掃起來!. 模仿Line App的QRCode功能

模仿Line App的掃碼功能來掃QRCode,原本Line的掃碼功能是要拿來加入新朋友的,但後來Line進化到什麼QRCode都能掃了(Line真的是什麼都要賺,錢包、購物、 ...

QR code scanner in swift

In Swift, you can create a QR code scanner using the AVFoundation framework. Lets see an example on how to implement a basic QR code scanner.

第11 章使用AVFoundation 框架進行QR Code 掃描

在iOS 7 以前,你需要依賴第三方函式庫才能實作掃瞄的功能。現在,你可以使用AVFoundation 框架來即時掃瞄與讀取條碼。 建立一個可以掃瞄App 與轉譯QR Code 已經再容易 ...

在SwiftUI 開發一個QR Code 讀取器App

當App 開啟後,就會利用iPhone 後置鏡頭來自動辨識及解碼QR Code,並把解碼後的資訊(比如說是一個URL)顯示在畫面底部。 QR Code Reader app for demo ...

How to scan a QR code

iOS has built-in support for scanning QR codes using AVFoundation, but the code isn't easy: you need to create a capture session, create a preview layer, ...

Scanning QR codes with SwiftUI

I've packaged up a QR code reader into a Swift package that we can add and use directly inside Xcode. My package is called CodeScanner.

Making a QR Scanner in Swift

We'll get camera access from the app, then scan any qr code shown ... I Made an iOS App in MINUTES with This AI Tool! Creator Magic ...


QRCodeReader.swiftisasimplecodereader(initiallyonlyQRCode)foriOSinSwift.ItisbasedontheAVFoundationframeworkfromApple.,AneasyQRcodereaderforiOSwritteninSwift.ContributetovinodiOS/SwiftQRCodeScannerdevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,QRCodeReader.swiftisasimplecodereader(initiallyonlyQRCode)foriOSinSwift.ItisbasedontheAVFoundationframeworkfromAppleinordertoreplace ...,模仿LineApp的掃碼功能來...