Preview your web apps on a real iOS Simulator ...



Instantly run mobile apps in your browser with iOS simulators & Android emulators. Appetize is ideal for support, training, previews, testing & automation.

iOS Emulators Simulators vs Real iOS Devices

An iOS Simulator basically mimics an iOS app or browser on top of a developer's operating system. This is viewable in an iPad or iPhone like window. They cannot ...

iPhone Simulators For Faster App & Web Testing

There are several iPhone simulators available online, such as the Xcode Simulator,, and Smartface. You can download and install these simulators by ...

iPhoneiPad browser simulator?

2013年3月19日 — The iPhone/iPad simulator that comes with Xcode includes Safari. If you run Safari in the simulator, you can view your website and it should ...

Real iPhone & iOS Devices for Website & App testing

Test websites or web apps on real browsers. App ... Instant, browser-based ... An iPhone simulator is actually an iOS simulator that mimics an iPhone device.

Simulate Device On Safari

You can emulate many iOS devices and runtimes using the Simulator included with Xcode, and remotely debug/inspect those webviews using Safari's Develop menu.

Test Websites on Official iPhone simulators

LambdaTest helps you do just that by providing a wide range of iPhone browser simulator online. Start Testing. Looking for real iPhones on Cloud? Get in touch ...

Test Websites With Real iOS Simulator for Browser Testing

iOS Browsers Simulator is a virtual environment that allows you to view your website over browsers compatible with iOS without installing them on your operating ...

Web App Simulator

AppSimulator powered by Test Your Web App. Apple iPhone 5. Apple iPhone 6. Apple iPhone 6 Plus. Galaxy S6. Galaxy Note 5. Apple iPad Air. Apple ...


InstantlyrunmobileappsinyourbrowserwithiOSsimulators&Androidemulators.Appetizeisidealforsupport,training,previews,testing&automation.,AniOSSimulatorbasicallymimicsaniOSapporbrowserontopofadeveloper'soperatingsystem.ThisisviewableinaniPadoriPhonelikewindow.Theycannot ...,ThereareseveraliPhonesimulatorsavailableonline,suchastheXcodeSimulator,,andSmartface.Youcandownloadandinst...