How to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 & 9.3.6 without a computer

2020年9月3日—1.Thereasonwesuggestyoujailbreakon8.4.1isbecauseit'smuchquickerthen9,andwithiOS9youhavetokickstartjailbreakeveryboot, ...,TherehasbeenmanyconfusionsrelatedtothejailbreakiOS9.3.3,becausethistoolstillnotcompatiblewith32-bitdevices.Nowa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[question] What is the best way to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5

2020年9月3日 — 1. The reason we suggest you jailbreak on 8.4.1 is because it's much quicker then 9, and with iOS9 you have to kickstart jailbreak every boot, ...

Untethered Jailbreak iOS9.1

There has been many confusions related to the jailbreak iOS 9.3.3, because this tool still not compatible with 32-bit devices. Now a named of Trident ...

iOS 9.3.4 Untethered Jailbreak for all 32bit iOS Devices?

The latest 3uTools adds iOS 9.1- iOS 9.3.4 jailbreak for all 32-bit iOS devices, users could enjoy an untethered jailbreak after installing Community ...


2023年7月24日 — Step 3. Roughly 5 seconds after tapping the circle, lock your device. If the screen remains black and unresponsive and/or you get a notification ...

[iOS9越獄]免裝越獄APP也能透過網頁激活盤古iOS 9.2

最近國外越獄駭客Luca Todesco展示不少iOS 10越獄成果後,最近替越獄環境正式釋出最實際貢獻,推出網頁版越獄激活工具,讓越獄用戶不需要在透過APP直接透過網頁也能激活 ...

[iOS9越獄]最新iOS 9.3.5~9.3.6 的32位元越獄工具火鳳凰 ...

所有iPhone, iPad or iPod touch (32-bit) 的iOS 9.3.5~ iOS 9.3.6 設備。 32位元設備清單:iPhone 4s、iPhone 5、iPhone 5c、iPad 2、iPad 3、 iPad 4、iPad mini、 ...


2020年9月3日—1.Thereasonwesuggestyoujailbreakon8.4.1isbecauseit'smuchquickerthen9,andwithiOS9youhavetokickstartjailbreakeveryboot, ...,TherehasbeenmanyconfusionsrelatedtothejailbreakiOS9.3.3,becausethistoolstillnotcompatiblewith32-bitdevices.NowanamedofTrident ...,Thelatest3uToolsaddsiOS9.1-iOS9.3.4jailbreakforall32-bitiOSdevices,userscouldenjoyanuntetheredjailbreakafterinstallingCommunity ......