How to perform a traceroute of an IP address or host




ping、arp、tracert、route這四大命令配合使用,可以查出或解決網絡中的大部分基本故障問題。 3、根據ping返回的TTL值來判斷對方所使用的操作系統及數據包經過路由器數量。

Traceroute IP Address

This is a free service to traceroute an IP address from different locations. It provides users with a graphical traceroute map to visualize the route from each ...

Traceroute Online

The Traceroute online tool traces the whole route of a network request from our server to the destination host. Just put an IP or Domain to trace its route.

Traceroute Tool

Traceroute. Traceroute, also called tracepath or tracert, is a network tool used to determine the “path” packets take from one IP address to another.

traceroute 指令

traceroute 指令會嘗試追蹤IP 封包遵循到網際網路主機的路徑,方法是啟動UDP 探測封包,並具有小的存活時間上限(Hops 參數) ,然後在此過程中接聽來自閘道的 ...

What is Traceroute? How It Works and How to Read Results

Traceroute is a tool to trace the path of an IP packet as it traverses routers locally or globally. It is primarily used for diagnostic and troubleshooting ...

如何使用TRACERT 疑難排解Windows 中的TCPIP 問題

本文說明命令列公用程式TRACERT (Trace Route),此公用程式可用來追蹤「網際網路通訊協定」(IP) 封包傳遞到目的地所經的路徑。 本文討論下列主題:.


traceroute 指令用於探索封包到達目的地時實際行經的路由。裝置(例如路由器或PC)將使用者資料包通訊協定(UDP) 資料包序列傳送到遠端主機上的無效連接埠 ...


ping、arp、tracert、route這四大命令配合使用,可以查出或解決網絡中的大部分基本故障問題。3、根據ping返回的TTL值來判斷對方所使用的操作系統及數據包經過路由器數量。,ThisisafreeservicetotracerouteanIPaddressfromdifferentlocations.Itprovidesuserswithagraphicaltraceroutemaptovisualizetheroutefromeach ...,TheTracerouteonlinetooltracesthewholerouteofanetworkrequestfromourservertothedestinationhost.Justp...