
Choose an IPSW for iOS 8.1.2

Choose an IPSW for iOS 8.1.2. IPSWs · OTAs. Signed IPSW files can be restored via iTunes. Unsigned IPSWs cannot currently be restored via iTunes.

Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2

The easiest guide to help you jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Easy how-to videos and instructions walk you through exactly what to do.

iPad 2完美越狱_苹果越狱专区

爱思助手最新版已支持32位设备9.1-9.3.4一键越狱,一键越狱后安装插件Community Offsets,可实现完美越狱,即重启设备越狱也不会失效。支持设备(32位位设备):iPhone ...

iOS8.1可以越狱吗_iPad 2完美越狱教程

爱思助手新版5.0发布,全面支持iOS 8.0-8.1.2所有设备越狱;一键越狱无需多余操作。越狱前注意事项:1、越狱前请备份重要资料:可以使用爱思助手全备份重要数据以免 ...

How to jailbreak iOS 8.1.1 and iOS 8.1.2 with TaiG

2018年4月18日 — Simply make sure you use the latest version of TaiG. Note that TaiG can be used to jailbreak iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch running iOS 8, iOS 8.0 ...

舊的JB過的ipad2(8.1.1) 建議該怎樣處置會比較好用?

2019年8月6日 — 大家好有新的ipad在使用,手邊留有先前舊的一台JB過的ipad2,許久沒用了,還停留在JB 8.1.1版. 覺得有點鈍鈍的,請問大家教導一下要怎樣處置它,會比較好用。

USB Mice on jailbroken iPad 2 + iOS 8.1.2?

2015年5月31日 — I'm wondering if anyone knows of a solution for getting USB mice to work via the Camera Connection Kit on a jailbroken iPad 2 with iOS 8.1.2 ...

