iPhone 5s 2015-2016 Late Review (Is it still worth it?)



Apple iPhone 5s ( 16 GB Storage, 0 GB RAM ) Online at ...

Apple iPhone 5s (Gold, 16 GB) ; Highlights. Search ; RAM | ROM. 16 GB ROM ; Processor. Apple A7 64-bit processor and M7 Motion Co-processor | Dual Core | 1.3 GHz.

Apple iPhone 5s

Apple iPhone 5s smartphone. Announced Sep 2013. Features 4.0″ display, Apple A7 chipset, 8 MP primary camera, 1.2 MP front camera, 1560 mAh battery, ...

Bạn thích iPhone nhỏ gọn? Nên chọn iPhone 5s, 5 hay 5c?

2015年12月21日 — iPhone 5/5s nổi bật hơn 5c vì mặt lưng được làm từ nhôm, cao cấp và sang trọng hơn hẳn dòng iPhone đầy màu sắc của Apple. Chưa hết, với khung ...

Differences Between iPhone 5, iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s

2019年10月5日 — On September 9, 2015, Apple discontinued the iPhone 5c altogether. Finally, on March 21, 2016, Apple discontinued the iPhone 5s. Of course ...

Every iPhone released, in order

2017年6月29日 — iPhone 5s. Apple. The iPhone 5s launched in ... The iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus were introduced in 2015. ... Apple ditched with the iPhone 5, Apple ...

iPhone 5

iPhone 5 編輯 · 停產日期, 2013年9月10日,​10年前​(2013-09-10) · 單位已售出, 首24小時預訂:200萬部 · 前代型號, iPhone 4S · 後繼型號, iPhone 5s,iPhone 5c · 相關型號 ...

iPhone 5s

The gold edition of the iPhone 5s was discontinued on September 9, 2015, when Apple revealed the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. The iPhone 5s ...

iPhone 5s - 技術規格

iSight 攝錄鏡頭 · 800 萬像素,像素尺寸1.5µ · ƒ/2.2 光圈 · 藍寶石水晶保護鏡 · True Tone 閃光燈 · 背照式感光元件 · 五枚鏡片組 · Hybrid 紅外線濾鏡 · 自動對焦.


AppleiPhone5s(Gold,16GB);Highlights.Search;RAM|ROM.16GBROM;Processor.AppleA764-bitprocessorandM7MotionCo-processor|DualCore|1.3GHz.,AppleiPhone5ssmartphone.AnnouncedSep2013.Features4.0″display,AppleA7chipset,8MPprimarycamera,1.2MPfrontcamera,1560mAhbattery, ...,2015年12月21日—iPhone5/5snổibậthơn5cvìmặtlưngđượclàmtừnhôm,caocấpvàsangtrọnghơnhẳndòngiPhoneđầymàusắccủaApple.Chưahết,vớikhung ...,201...