
Design·Thepracticeofinclusivedesign34:06·Tapintovirtualandphysicalgamecontrollers15:00·Createcustomsymbols25:47·Discoverabledesign32:44 ...,Behanceistheworld'slargestcreativenetworkforshowcasinganddiscoveringcreativeiphoneconceptwork.,Anewconcept...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Design - Videos

Design · The practice of inclusive design 34:06 · Tap into virtual and physical game controllers 15:00 · Create custom symbols 25:47 · Discoverable design 32:44 ...

Iphone Concept Projects

Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative iphone concept work.

iOS 19 Concept Video Imagines Apple's Next Big Software

A new concept video, created by a dedicated fan, gives us a glimpse at potential features that could shake up how we interact with our iPhones.

iPhone 17 Slim Concept Video Teases Apple's Thinnest iPhone Yet

The iPhone 17 Slim is a minimalist's dream. The concept highlights a smaller Dynamic Island paired with a 6.65-inch OLED ProMotion display.

iPhone 17 Pro Max - Slim Concept

iPhone 17 Pro Max | iPhone 17 Pro Max ULTRA Slim Concept Apple Specification & Features: Design: Innovative pill-shaped camera setup at the ...

iPhone SE 4 - Concept Apple

iPhone SE 4 | iPhone SE 4 Concept Apple Specification & Features: Display - 6.1 inches OLED display Design - Smaller notch with face ID ...

Apple Concepts!

Apple Concepts! · Introducing iPhone mini — Apple · AirTags — Apple 2021 · Apple Mac Mini - 2020 - Future is Here! · [Deleted video] · iMask and iMask Pro — ...

Introducing iPhone 16 | Concept Apple

iPhone 16 | iPhone 16 Plus Unboxing concept based on leaks Apple #iphone16 #iphone16pro #apple Specification & Features: Display - 6.1 ...

iPhone 6 & iOS 7- Concept Features

In this playlist you can found all our concept videos about iPhone 6 , iPhon 5S, iOS 7, Apple, and of course, Android ! ...more ...more.

Introducing iPhone 16 | Apple | (Concept Trailer)

This is iPhone 16 & iPhone 16 Plus - Introduction Trailer. #iphone16 #apple iPhone 16 | iPhone 16 Plus | Apple 2024 [Design] All-new ...


Design·Thepracticeofinclusivedesign34:06·Tapintovirtualandphysicalgamecontrollers15:00·Createcustomsymbols25:47·Discoverabledesign32:44 ...,Behanceistheworld'slargestcreativenetworkforshowcasinganddiscoveringcreativeiphoneconceptwork.,Anewconceptvideo,createdbyadedicatedfan,givesusaglimpseatpotentialfeaturesthatcouldshakeuphowweinteractwithouriPhones.,TheiPhone17Slimisaminimalist'sdream.Thecon...