【簡單步驟】教你用iPhone Screen Mirroring至Smart TV

2022年8月25日—HowtokeepiPhonescreenon·1.OpentheSettingsapponyouriPhone.·2.ScrolldownandtapDisplay&Brightness.·3.IntheDisplayand ...,2022年11月21日—2.Now,onyouriPhoneoriPad,swipedownfromthetop-rightcornertoopentheControlCenter.Next,taptheScreenMir...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to keep your iPhone screen on for a longer time, or set ...

2022年8月25日 — How to keep iPhone screen on · 1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone. · 2. Scroll down and tap Display & Brightness. · 3. In the Display and ...

How to mirror an iPhone's screen on PC

2022年11月21日 — 2. Now, on your iPhone or iPad, swipe down from the top-right corner to open the Control Center. Next, tap the Screen Mirroring icon.

How to Mirror Your iPhone Screen on a Computer

2023年11月13日 — It's easy to view your iPhone screen on a Mac, but you'll need to pay for a third-party app to screen mirror on a Windows PC.

If your iPhone won't turn on or is frozen

2024年1月16日 — If your screen is black or frozen. Follow the steps for your device. On your iPhone 8 or later, including iPhone SE (2nd and 3rd generation).

Keep the iPhone display on longer

The Always-On display setting is on by default. To turn it off, go to Settings > Display & Brightness, then turn off Always On Display.

Screen Share with the iOS Device

Screen Share with the iOS Device · From the iOS device, go to Settings > Control Center. · Scroll down to the More Controls section and tap + by the Screen ...


2022年8月25日—HowtokeepiPhonescreenon·1.OpentheSettingsapponyouriPhone.·2.ScrolldownandtapDisplay&Brightness.·3.IntheDisplayand ...,2022年11月21日—2.Now,onyouriPhoneoriPad,swipedownfromthetop-rightcornertoopentheControlCenter.Next,taptheScreenMirroringicon.,2023年11月13日—It'seasytoviewyouriPhonescreenonaMac,butyou'llneedtopayforathird-partyapptoscreenmirroronaWindowsPC.,2024年1月16日—Ifyo...