
Use Quick Start to transfer data to a new iPhone or iPad

Make sure that your current device is connected to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is on. Turn on your new device and place it near your current device.

3 ways to transfer data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone

You should be able to transfer data from your old iPhone into a new one using Quick Start, iCloud or iTunes.

These Are the Best No

The easiest and quickest method to set up your new iPhone is to restore from a recent iCloud backup. As you walk through the initial setup ...

Settings How to transfer data from old iOS device to new iPhone

This tutorial will show you how to transfer data from your old iOS device to your new Apple iPhone XS.

Transfer Content - iPhone to iPhone - Apple iCloud

Here's how to use iCloud to transfer content from one iPhone to another.

How to Switch iPhones or iPads and Transfer Data (2025)

Make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi. Then go into your iPhone or iPad's settings and scroll down to select iCloud, choose iCloud Backup, toggle it on, ...

How to Transfer Everything From Your Old iPhone to ...

I show you how to move all of your messages, movies, music, photos, test messages, WhatsApp messages, app data and more from an old iPhone ...

How to transfer your data and set up your new iPhone

Learn three ways you can transfer your data to a new iPhone. We'll show you how to use iCloud and your previous device, how to transfer ...


MakesurethatyourcurrentdeviceisconnectedtoWi-FiandBluetoothison.Turnonyournewdeviceandplaceitnearyourcurrentdevice.,YoushouldbeabletotransferdatafromyouroldiPhoneintoanewoneusingQuickStart,iCloudoriTunes.,TheeasiestandquickestmethodtosetupyournewiPhoneistorestorefromarecentiCloudbackup.Asyouwalkthroughtheinitialsetup ...,ThistutorialwillshowyouhowtotransferdatafromyouroldiOSdevicetoyournewAppl...