Jailbreak: iPod Touch 2G



iPod Touch 第二代(2G) JailBreak 4.2.1 完美破解版 ...

6.2.) 打開資料夾, 開啟greenpois0n.exe. 繼續把iPod 連接至電腦. 6.3.) GreenPois0n 開啟後, 在彈出的提示框選取No 選項. 6.4.) 再按下Prepare to Jailbreak (DFU) 按鈕.

How to jailbreak iPod Touch 2G - 4.2.1 MB

The easiest guide to show you how to Jailbreak iPod 2 on iOS 4.2.1. Easy how-to videos and instructions walk you through exactly what to do.

Jailbreak IPod Touch 2G Untethered : 5 Steps

Step 1: Plug your iPod into your computer. Step 2: Go through the instructions in Quick Freedom set boot logos and other options. Step 3: When it is done your ...

Jailbreak iPod touch 2G

Will only work for iPod touch (2nd generation) running the old bootrom. Tethered jailbreak for any iPod touch (2nd generation) with the new bootrom.

[question] Is there any tutorial for jailbreaking an iPod touch 2nd gen ...

I got my hands on an iPod touch 2nd generation but I can't find the tools i need to jailbreak it on windows because most of the links for ...

[Fluff] Finally managed to jailbreak an iPod touch 2nd gen and install ...

Here is the steps I took to do it: - Go onto your jailbroken ipod/iphone/ipad and open up cydia, then add the following repo:

How to Jailbreak a 2nd Generation iPod Touch

Download jailbreaking software on your computer.​​ Some of the most popular programs for jailbreaking an iPod Touch 2G are limera1n (Limerain), Redsn0w (Redsnow) ... Preparing for Your Jailbreak · Jailbreaking With Redsn0w

iPhone 3GiPod Touch 2G MB Jailbreak Tutorial (Working 2025)

My updated, fully working tutorial on how to jailbreak the iPhone 3G and the iPod Touch 2nd Generation in 2021.

iPod Touch 2nd Gen (8GB MC Model) Jailbreak Tutorial ...

This video will show you how to jailbreak a 2nd generation iPod Touch MC model in 2022. If you have any questions or problems, ...

How to Jailbreak iPhone 3GiPod Touch 2G MB Model (2024 Tutorial)

Links will be provided in the comments below.


6.2.)打開資料夾,開啟greenpois0n.exe.繼續把iPod連接至電腦.6.3.)GreenPois0n開啟後,在彈出的提示框選取No選項.6.4.)再按下PreparetoJailbreak(DFU)按鈕.,TheeasiestguidetoshowyouhowtoJailbreakiPod2oniOS4.2.1.Easyhow-tovideosandinstructionswalkyouthroughexactlywhattodo.,Step1:PlugyouriPodintoyourcomputer.Step2:GothroughtheinstructionsinQuickFreedomsetbootlogosandotheroptions.Step3:Whenitisdoneyour ...,W...