Fixing iOS 7 on the iPod 4

iPodtouch4oniOS7?!91Tech•101Kviews·9:10.Gotochannel·Howto...WhyJailbreakIsDying.AppleExplained•322Kviews·8:04.Goto ...,Afterfollowingagruelingguideandaskingforsomehelp,Iwasabletodual-bootiOS7.1.2alongsideiOS6.1.6onmyiPodTouchandthisiswhatIfoundou...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Fixing iOS 7 on the iPod 4 | Part 1

iPod touch 4 on iOS 7?! 91Tech•101K views · 9:10. Go to channel · How to ... Why Jailbreak Is Dying. Apple Explained•322K views · 8:04. Go to ...

iOS 7 dual-booted on an iPod Touch 4th Generation

After following a grueling guide and asking for some help, I was able to dual-boot iOS 7.1.2 alongside iOS 6.1.6 on my iPod Touch and this is what I found out.

iPod touch 4th gen is able to run IOS 7

No iPod Touch 4th gen can run iOS 7. You must have jailbroken to be able to do this. Do you know how to return your 4th gen iPod Touch back to ...

How to install iOS 7 on the iPod touch 4!

This tutorial will show you how to install iOS 7.0 on your iPod touch 4th generation! There is also a written guide if the video isn't clear ...

Making the iPod Touch 4th Gen Usable in 2023(Jailbreaking and ...

Today we will be jailbreaking and installing apps on my iPod Touch 4th Generation! Instagram: tornow1500 Twitter: tornowtypes TikTok: ...

[question] Needed files for jailbreak a dualboot ios 7 install ipod ...

Im following the guide to dual boot ios 7 on an ipod touch 4g from

I installed iOS 7 on my iPod touch 4. Here's how

So.. i'm able to install iOS 7 on my iPod touch 4! Big thanks to: & for making all of ...

How to update my iPod Touch 4th generatio…

Jailbreaking is the easiest way to ensure your iPod doesn't work again. Unfortunately you're going to have live without IOS 7, the iPod 4 can't ...

iOS 7 on iPod Touch 4g

This project brings iOS 7.x to the Apple iPod Touch 4th generation. This device's latest official firmware is 6.1.6, released by Apple in 2014.

How to install iOS 7 on iPod touch 4 untethered guide?

I want to install ios 7 on my ipod touch but there is no guide for an untethered version other than dual boot method.


iPodtouch4oniOS7?!91Tech•101Kviews·9:10.Gotochannel·Howto...WhyJailbreakIsDying.AppleExplained•322Kviews·8:04.Goto ...,Afterfollowingagruelingguideandaskingforsomehelp,Iwasabletodual-bootiOS7.1.2alongsideiOS6.1.6onmyiPodTouchandthisiswhatIfoundout.,NoiPodTouch4thgencanruniOS7.Youmusthavejailbrokentobeabletodothis.Doyouknowhowtoreturnyour4thgeniPodTouchbackto ...,Thistutorialwillshowyouhowtoins...