
I·risha.OforpertainingtoIrelandortoitsinhabitants;producedinIreland.Irishelk.Zool.SeeunderElk.Irishmoss.(a)Bot.Carrageen.,Irish·adj.愛爾蘭的;愛爾蘭人的;愛爾蘭語的·n.愛爾蘭語.牛津中文 ...,IrishhasconstitutionalstatusasthenationalandfirstofficiallanguageoftheRepublicofIreland,andisalsoanofficiallanguageofNorthernIrelandand ...,,Irish的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.belongingtoorrelatingtoIreland,itspeople,...


I·rish a. Of or pertaining to Ireland or to its inhabitants; produced in Ireland. Irish elk. Zool. See under Elk. Irish moss. (a) Bot. Carrageen.


Irish · adj. 愛爾蘭的; 愛爾蘭人的; 愛爾蘭語的 · n. 愛爾蘭語. 牛津中文 ...

Irish language

Irish has constitutional status as the national and first official language of the Republic of Ireland, and is also an official language of Northern Ireland and ...


Irish的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. belonging to or relating to Ireland, its people, or its language: 2. the people of Ireland 3…。了解更多。


Irish is constitutionally recognised as the first official language of the State. 憲法規定愛爾蘭語是該國第一官方語言。 His native language ...

What is Irish?

Irish is a Celtic language (as English is a Germanic language, French a Romance language, and so on). This means that it is a member of the Celtic family of ...


是單一制的議會制共和國。國土全境被大西洋環抱,南濱凱爾特海,東南面隔聖喬治海峽與威爾斯隔海相望,東鄰愛爾蘭海。首都及最大城市為都柏林,位於愛爾蘭島的東側,該國的 ...