2021 Iron Review

ItiseasytoinstallChromiumviaaPPAonLaunchpadandkeepituptodate,andallthefeaturesthatIronboastsarealsoinChromium(the ...,評分3.8(2,333)·免費·Android·Ratingsandreviews​​Iwanttolovethis-loyalPCironuserfor10+years!DefinitelynotuptoparwithChrome,FireFox...。參考影片的文章的如下:


SRWare's Iron: a review

It is easy to install Chromium via a PPA on Launchpad and keep it up to date, and all the features that Iron boasts are also in Chromium (the ...

Iron Browser - by SRWare

評分 3.8 (2,333) · 免費 · Android · Ratings and reviews​​ I want to love this - loyal PC iron user for 10+ years! Definitely not up to par with Chrome, FireFox or Opera. Covers the ...

SRWare Iron Reviews - 2025

SRWare Iron Description. The best browser on the planet. Reputation for privacy and security. Free! Available for Windows, Android, Linux, and Mac.

SRWare Iron Reviews in 2024

It starts very fast, loads and also renders very complex web sites really fast. Chromium (which Iridium is based on) is a very secure browser, yes. But it does ...

SRWare Iron Pricing, Alternatives & More 2025

評分 5.0 (1) Pros: SRWare Iron is a great secured web browser. The best thing in this browser is that it eliminates all kind of user tracking. There are lot of privacy ...

SRWare Iron : rbrowsers

I can tell you it's outdated, really buggy (it has a Chrome 46 user-agent, so a typical user won't be able to use services like Discord/Teams) ...

Is SRWARE IRON good and safe? : rbrowsers

In short, no. For both privacy and pace of updates, it's not a good idea. Especially as the Chromium base software has had multiple zero-day ...

SRWare Iron 131.0.6650.1

評分 3.6 (1,331) · 免費 · Windows A user-friendly Internet browser that combines the ease of use of Chrome's interface with enhanced privacy and security functions.

SRWare Iron Software Reviews, Demo & Pricing

評分 5.0 (1) SRWare Iron is a great secured web browser. The best thing in this browser is that it eliminates all kind of user tracking. There are lot of privacy features in ...

SRWare Iron

Iron Browser is a wonderful light-weight browser that is quick and “snappy”. If you are looking for a nice browser to add to your current selection or are just ...


ItiseasytoinstallChromiumviaaPPAonLaunchpadandkeepituptodate,andallthefeaturesthatIronboastsarealsoinChromium(the ...,評分3.8(2,333)·免費·Android·Ratingsandreviews​​Iwanttolovethis-loyalPCironuserfor10+years!DefinitelynotuptoparwithChrome,FireFoxorOpera.Coversthe ...,SRWareIronDescription.Thebestbrowserontheplanet.Reputationforprivacyandsecurity.Free!AvailableforWindows,Android,Linux,andMac.,I...