In Isolation (2022) - Official Trailer | VMI Worldwide

Taglines.AhorrorfilmsetonalonelyfarminruralIreland·Genres.Horror·Sci-Fi·Thriller·MotionPictureRating(MPAA).RatedRforviolence/gore, ...,Isolationisa2005IrishsciencefictionhorrorfilmdirectedandwrittenbyBillyO'BrienandproducedbyFilmFourandLionsGateF...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Isolation (2005)

Taglines. A horror film set on a lonely farm in rural Ireland · Genres. Horror · Sci-Fi · Thriller · Motion Picture Rating (MPAA). Rated R for violence/gore, ...

Isolation (2005 film)

Isolation is a 2005 Irish science fiction horror film directed and written by Billy O'Brien and produced by Film Four and Lions Gate Films.

Isolation (2021)

Nine tales of terror weave together the story of isolated citizens around the world as they confront their darkest fears in an attempt to survive an ...


An anthology movie like no other, Isolation presents a melancholic and ... There are no featured reviews for Isolation because the movie has not released yet ().

Watch Isolation

On a remote Irish farm, five people become unwilling participants in an experiment that goes nightmarishly wrong. Starring Essie Davis and Sean Harris.


Taglines.AhorrorfilmsetonalonelyfarminruralIreland·Genres.Horror·Sci-Fi·Thriller·MotionPictureRating(MPAA).RatedRforviolence/gore, ...,Isolationisa2005IrishsciencefictionhorrorfilmdirectedandwrittenbyBillyO'BrienandproducedbyFilmFourandLionsGateFilms.,Ninetalesofterrorweavetogetherthestoryofisolatedcitizensaroundtheworldastheyconfronttheirdarkestfearsinanattempttosurvivean ...,Ananthologymovie...