iWork for iCloud, which also incorporates a document hosting service, is free to all iCloud users. iWork was released for free on macOS and iOS (including older ...
iWork. 文件、試算表、簡報, 全都集思廣益。 Pages、Numbers 與Keynote 都是讓你創作出精彩作品的絕佳方式。各式樣板和設計工具,輕鬆就能上手。你甚至可以使用Apple ...
iWork. Documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. With everybody's best thinking. Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are the best ways to create amazing work. United States · Apple (UA) · Apple (KG) · Apple (SG)
At iCloud.com, you can access your photos, files, and more from any web browser. Changes you make will sync to your iPhone and other devices. iCloud Drive · iCloud Recovery · iCloud Plan · Find Devices
蘋果iWork for iCloud 公開測試版上線
iWork for iCloud介面和iWork很相像,不但可編輯Mac 版Pages、Numbers 及Keynote 的檔案,也支援使用者匯入Microsoft Office 文件。使用者可以將桌上電腦的 ...
Apple iWork Review
評分 4.0 · Edward Mendelson · Apple's iWork office suite is free, attractive, and powerful, but it may not be what you want if you need to share documents outside the Apple ecosystem.
,蘋果發佈iWork for iCloud,與Google Docs類似,該服務支援多個使用者通過iCloud在線上共同協作完成文稿。