


iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak is here! Waiting for ATV2 support ...

Absinthe isn't meant to jailbreak an Apple TV. Firecore has to package the jailbreak into Seas0nPass or greenpois0n released a tool to jailbreak it.

Absinthe 2.0.1 推出,可將iOS 5.1.1 的裝置Untethered Jailbreak

iOS 5.1.1 才推出了不久,不過經過Chronic-Dev Team 和iPhone Dev Teams(Jailbreak Dream 分隊)的合作後,能Untethered Jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 的Absinthe 2.0 ...

Absinthe 更新至2.0.4

iOS 5.1.1 完美版Jailbreak 工具Absinthe 現已升級至2.0.4 版本,新增支援iPhone 4 專屬新版iOS 5.1.1(9B208) 和新iPad 2(採用32nm 細粒A5 處理器) ...

iOS 5.1.1 Untethered 越獄正式發佈Absinthe 2.0.1支援iPhone 4S及 ...

Absinthe 2.0.1 使用方法超簡單,只要把iOS 裝置連接PC ,偵到它的存在線後,再按下Jailbreak 後,它就可以自動完成並把Cydia 安裝在系統內。

Absinthe 2.0 released for iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak

Absinthe version 2.0 has been released to the public, meaning you can now jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered. Absinthe is compatible with most recent iOS devices ...

Untethered 5.1.1 JB via Absinthe v2.0 (THE LINK WE'VE ALL BEEN ...

Connect to iTunes and restore from backup. Open Cydia and download aptbackup. open aptbackup and click restore. All your jailbreak tweaks are ...

Jailbreak 5.1.1 Untethered iPhone 4S, iPad 3, iPod touch And More ...

How To Use Absinthe iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak. Step 1: Download Absinthe 2.0 from here. Step 2: Once the tool has been downloaded, find ...

IOS 5.1.1 absinthe 2.0.4 完美JB圖文教學

如果你JB卡關無法成功~請看我最新JB方式教學利用PP越獄助手幫你一鍵完美JB 5.1.1完整教學。 ... 之後資料夾內多一個absinthe-win-2.0資料夾,進去後再選absinthe.exe進行JB ...

Unthethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1.Using Absinthe 2.0

While the recent jailbreak has been out for some time, I thought I would walk you through the steps while I jailbreak my new iPad.

NEW Untethered Jailbreak 5.1.1 iPhone 4S43Gs iPad 321 & iPod ...

NEW Untethered 5.1.1 Jailbreak iPhone 4S, 4, 3Gs, iPad 3, 2 & 1, & iPod Touch 4th & 3rd Gen. Fully Untethered Jailbreak 5.1.1 Absinthe 2.0!


Absintheisn'tmeanttojailbreakanAppleTV.FirecorehastopackagethejailbreakintoSeas0nPassorgreenpois0nreleasedatooltojailbreakit.,iOS5.1.1才推出了不久,不過經過Chronic-DevTeam和iPhoneDevTeams(JailbreakDream分隊)的合作後,能UntetheredJailbreakiOS5.1.1的Absinthe2.0 ...,iOS5.1.1完美版Jailbreak工具Absinthe現已升級至2.0.4版本,新增支援iPhone4專屬新版iOS5.1.1(9B208)和新iPad2(採用32nm細粒A5處理器) .....