Absinthe Jailbreak

iPodtouch3rdJailbreak5.1.1·1.Cydia開啟後,選擇開發者>完成.·2.切換到變更項目,並按下左上方的更新:·3.Cydia安裝軟體:先切換到 ...,Anyoneknowofthebestuntetheredjailbreak(NoneedingofPCtoboot)for5.1.1?MyiPoddoesn'tgetupdatesanymoresoit'sbetterto ...,1.Onc...。參考影片的文章的如下:


iPod touch 3rd Jailbreak 5.1.1

iPod touch 3rd Jailbreak 5.1.1 · 1. Cydia 開啟後, 選擇開發者 > 完成. · 2. 切換到變更 項目, 並按下左上方的更新: · 3. Cydia 安裝軟體: 先切換到 ...

Best Untethered Jailbreak for 5.1.1 (iPod Touch 3rd Gen)

Anyone know of the best untethered jailbreak ( No needing of PC to boot) for 5.1.1? My iPod doesn't get updates anymore so it's better to ...

How to Jailbreak IPod Touch 5.0.1 - 5.1.1 : 3 Steps

1. Once device is recognized, open up absinthe. 2. If it says your iPod is connected, click jailbreak. 3. Once Cydia is installed, eject your iDevice and open ...

「教學」iOS 5.1.1全系列裝置完美JB完全攻略


Successfully downgraded iPod Touch 4th gen to iOS 5.1.1 ...

My first attempt to downgrade, I enabled jailbreaking upon restoration. It didn't work as Terminal app said that the IPSW file cannot be verified.

I need help with my jailbroken iPod Touch 3rd gen, running iOS 5.1.1

So to start, I got this iPod Touch a while ago from someone who didn't want it, factory reset it, and then jailbroke it.

Jailbreak 5.1.1 Untethered iPhone 4S, iPad 3, iPod touch And More ...

The wait is over! Here's a complete tutorial on how to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered on all A4, A5 and A5X powered devices.

iOS 5.1.1 Jailbreak Tutorial (Working in 2025) (iPad 1, iPod Touch 3)

A fully up-to-date jailbreak tutorial for iOS 5.1.1 devices! ---------- Links ---------- iTunes Downloads: 64-bit: ...

iOS 5.1.1 Jailbreak for iPhone 3GS & 4, iPod touch 3G & 4G and iPad

Download redsn0w 0.9.10b8 for Mac and Windows: http://stateofjailbreak.com/tutorials/redsn0w-0-9-10b8-tutorial/ Find iPhone / iPod touch ...

Absinthe Jailbreak: iPod Touch 3th Gen, iOS 5.1.1

You. Yes, YOU. YOU are the best. 500+ subscribers, incredible. Thank you all so much. Absinthe Jailbreak on an iPod Touch 3rd gen.


iPodtouch3rdJailbreak5.1.1·1.Cydia開啟後,選擇開發者>完成.·2.切換到變更項目,並按下左上方的更新:·3.Cydia安裝軟體:先切換到 ...,Anyoneknowofthebestuntetheredjailbreak(NoneedingofPCtoboot)for5.1.1?MyiPoddoesn'tgetupdatesanymoresoit'sbetterto ...,1.Oncedeviceisrecognized,openupabsinthe.2.IfitsaysyouriPodisconnected,clickjailbreak.3.OnceCydiaisinstalled,ejectyouriDeviceandopen ...,STEP1.首先將您的...