
Do you need to use the word new when assigning a RegExp?

The right way to assign a RegExp to a variable is by using new, since it's a constructor, but it also works without it.

JavaScript RegExp Object - Regular Expressions

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. The search pattern can be used for text search and text replace operations. JavaScript Operator Precedence · JavaScript String Methods · Try it Yourself · Tr

JavaScript RegExp Reference

A regular expression is a pattern of characters. The pattern is used for searching and replacing characters in strings.

JavaScript RegExp 对象

RegExp:是正则表达式(regular expression)的简写。 完整RegExp 对象参考手册. 请查看我们的JavaScript RegExp 对象的参考手册,其中提供了可以与字符串对象一同使用 ...

RegExp - JavaScript

The RegExp object defines patterns for matching and manipulating strings in JavaScript. Regular Expressions perform pattern-based searches, replacements, or ...

RegExp - JavaScript - MDN Web Docs

The expression new RegExp(/ab+c/, flags) will create a new RegExp using the source of the first parameter and the flags provided by the second. RegExp.$1, …, RegExp.$9 · RegExp() constructor · RegExp.escape()

RegExp() constructor - JavaScript

3 天前 · The RegExp() constructor creates RegExp objects. For an introduction to regular expressions, read the Regular Expressions chapter in the JavaScript Guide. RegExp · RegExp.$1, …, RegExp.$9 · RegExp.escape() · RegExp: lastIn

Regular expressions - JavaScript

Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. In JavaScript, regular expressions are also objects.

[JS] 正則表達式(Regular Expression, regex)

* 表示前一個字元可以是0 個或多個,例如/ab*c/,因此ac, abc, abbbbc 都符合規則。 + 表示前一個字元可以是1 個或多個,例如/a+b/ ,ab, aaaaab 都符合規則。

【學習筆記】JavaScript - Regex 正則表達式

... javascript= let reStr = /abc/ ``` + 建構式:直接new 一個RegExp 物件`new RegExp()` + 適合需動態產生pattern 時使用```javascript= let reStr = new RegExp('abc ...

