Jawbone Icon HD + The Nerd



Jawbone Icon HD + The Nerd (Denim) review

2011年8月29日 — The Jawbone Icon HD is perfect for those who want an easy-to-pair headset that will work on any Bluetooth-enabled PC or phone.

JawBone Icon HD And Its New Friend, The Nerd

2011年8月30日 — The Icon HD comes bundled with the Nerd and can be had for $140. Now, if only JawBone would make a pair of stereo headphones already.

Jawbone Icon HD headset and The Nerd improve the hand ...

2011年8月30日 — As you might have guessed, the addition of HD to the moniker means an improvement in sound quality — Jawbone has refreshed it with a 25 ...

Jawbone Icon的價格推薦- 2024年3月

3. JAWBONE ICON HD 降噪骨傳導雙藍牙耳機,A2DP,通話時間4.5小時,待機時間長達10天. 7-ELEVEN運費29元,3/12-3/21天天瘋搶. $2,500. 價格持平.

Jawbone THE NERD Wireless Audio Adapter

Instantly connects Jambox, Big Jambox, ERA or ICON HD with a MAC or PC; The perfect solution for listening to music or using Skype from a computer; USB 2.0 ...


ICON HD™ is a versatile headset that wirelessly connects to all your favorite. Bluetooth devices: phones, tablets, game consoles, laptops, and THE NERD™. (your ...

[賣新品] 頂級多用途藍芽耳機Jawbone ICON HD + NERD

2012年9月13日 — NoiseAssassin® 2.5,具有降低風切聲功能[*]通話時間最高4.5 小時/ 待機最長10 天[*]Jawbone 電力可顯示在iPhone® 上(您可以從MyTALK 取得 ...

【開箱】JawBone ICON HD抗噪易於常人的藍牙耳機

2012年8月21日 — Jawbone ICON HD可以和電腦藍牙連接使用skype聊天嗎? 還是一定要接ICON HD + THE NERD? ICON HD和ICON Thinker,ICON Hero區別在哪? 另外您說的中文 ...


2011年8月29日—TheJawboneIconHDisperfectforthosewhowantaneasy-to-pairheadsetthatwillworkonanyBluetooth-enabledPCorphone.,2011年8月30日—TheIconHDcomesbundledwiththeNerdandcanbehadfor$140.Now,ifonlyJawBonewouldmakeapairofstereoheadphonesalready.,2011年8月30日—Asyoumighthaveguessed,theadditionofHDtothemonikermeansanimprovementinsoundquality—Jawbonehasrefresheditwitha25 ...,3.JAWBONEICONHD降噪骨傳...