Jaws2hasallthespecialfeaturesthatwereontheDVD.Andbestofall,Jaws3includesthe3Dversionofthemovie!Youhavetohavea3DTVanda3D ...,JAWS3D,一款採用3D-DIVE®專利科技的全新概念蛙鞋。3D-DIVE®是一種基於碳纖維幾何原理的革命性技術,透過立體雙軸向的旋轉,賦予產...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Jaws 3

Jaws 2 has all the special features that were on the DVD. And best of all, Jaws 3 includes the 3D version of the movie! You have to have a 3D TV and a 3D ...

【JAWS蛙鞋】Model 3D ─高性能碳纖維霧面款

JAWS 3D,一款採用3D-DIVE® 專利科技的全新概念蛙鞋。3D-DIVE® 是一種基於碳纖維幾何原理的革命性技術,透過立體雙軸向的旋轉,賦予產品獨特的扭轉彈性和性能。

Jaws III

Jaws 3D is the moment that the Jaws franchise started going downhill and it only gets worse after this. What happened to this franchise? Jaws 3 is definitely ...

Jaws 3

The most famous shark of all time is back…bigger and more terrifying than ever in Jaws 3 starring Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Simon MacCorkindale and ...


在2000年代末期3D立體電視面世前,家庭觀眾無法在家中體驗影片的3D效果,所以影片登陸電視台和家用媒體的時候採用《Jaws III》的片名。儘管差評如潮,影片續集《大白鯊4: ...

Jaws 3

Jaws 3-D is a 1983 American horror film directed by Joe Alves and starring Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Simon MacCorkindale and Louis Gossett Jr. It is the ...

Jaws 3

A giant thirty-five-foot shark becomes trapped in a SeaWorld theme park and it's up to the sons of police chief Brody to rescue everyone.


Jaws2hasallthespecialfeaturesthatwereontheDVD.Andbestofall,Jaws3includesthe3Dversionofthemovie!Youhavetohavea3DTVanda3D ...,JAWS3D,一款採用3D-DIVE®專利科技的全新概念蛙鞋。3D-DIVE®是一種基於碳纖維幾何原理的革命性技術,透過立體雙軸向的旋轉,賦予產品獨特的扭轉彈性和性能。,Jaws3DisthemomentthattheJawsfranchisestartedgoingdownhillanditonlygetsworseafterthis.Whathappenedtothisfranchise?Jaws3isdefin...