【歌曲翻譯】Joyner Lucas

ISISisasongbyAmericanrapperJoynerLucasfeaturingfellowAmericanrapperLogic,releasedasthethirdsinglefromLucas'debutstudioalbumADHD ...,2019年5月23日—“Isis”isthethirdsinglefromJoynerLucas'2019albumADHD.ThesongisnamedaftertheIslamicStateofIraqandSyria...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ISIS (song)

ISIS is a song by American rapper Joyner Lucas featuring fellow American rapper Logic, released as the third single from Lucas' debut studio album ADHD ...

Joyner Lucas

2019年5月23日 — “Isis” is the third single from Joyner Lucas' 2019 album ADHD. The song is named after the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria; one of the most ...

Joyner Lucas ft Logic

2019年7月12日 — Stream Joyner Lucas ft Logic - Isis (remix) Rymah by Rymah on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

[音樂] Joyner Lucas ft. Logic- ISIS - 看板Hip-Hop

作者mailman (meloandmarco) · 看板Hip-Hop · 標題[音樂] Joyner Lucas ft. · Fri May 24 01:20:13 2019 · 推Egb8bSbO: 真的做夢也想不到 05/24 · 推in9e5: 剛聽完超炸 ...

[FRESH] Joyner Lucas ft. Logic

2019年5月23日 — [FRESH] Joyner Lucas ft. Logic - ISIS (ADHD).


ISISisasongbyAmericanrapperJoynerLucasfeaturingfellowAmericanrapperLogic,releasedasthethirdsinglefromLucas'debutstudioalbumADHD ...,2019年5月23日—“Isis”isthethirdsinglefromJoynerLucas'2019albumADHD.ThesongisnamedaftertheIslamicStateofIraqandSyria;oneofthemost ...,2019年7月12日—StreamJoynerLucasftLogic-Isis(remix)RymahbyRymahondesktopandmobile.Playover320milliontracksforfreeonSoundCloud.,作者ma...