joypad mod
joypad mod

2020年1月15日—ThisisamodthatallowsyoutoexperienceMinecraftwithyourfavoritecontrollerandalsoallowsyoutoplayMinecraftinasplit-screen ...,2012年5月7日—Hiall,I'veWehavecreatedamodallowingyoutocontrolMinecraftwithajoypad.ItworksbothinSSPandSMP,andyouc...

Minecraft JoypadSplit Screen Mod

Whatisit?AmodificationfortheMinecraftPCgame,allowingyoutocontrolthegamewiththeUSBcontroller.WherecanIreadmoreaboutit?Righthere ...

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Controller Support Mod

2020年1月15日 — This is a mod that allows you to experience Minecraft with your favorite controller and also allows you to play Minecraft in a split-screen ...

Joypad Mod

2012年5月7日 — Hi all,I've We have created a mod allowing you to control Minecraft with a joypad. It works both in SSP and SMP, and you can use it while ...

Joypad Mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 (USB Controller, Split Screen)

2017年4月3日 — Joypad Mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 allows you to play Minecraft in Split-screen on a PC, and control Minecraft with a joypad.

JoyPad Mod 1.8

Install JoyPad Mod 1.8. Step 1. Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, ...

Locate Jar For Joypad Mod 1.7.10?

2020年11月8日 — I'm updating my old 1.7.10 modpack i don't care if its old i just need the .jar for the Joypad Mod which is really old and on Minecraft ...

MCJoypad Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 (USB Controller, Split Screen)

2019年1月9日 — MCJoypad Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 allows you to control the game with the USB input controller. Besides the obvious benefit of playing the ...

Minecraft JoypadSplit Screen Mod

What is it? A modification for the Minecraft PC game, allowing you to control the game with the USB controller. Where can I read more about it? Right here ...


Mod that adds support for splitscreen games and joypads in Minecraft: Java Edition. Notice: The mod supports as many joypads as your PC can handle, ...


2020年1月15日—ThisisamodthatallowsyoutoexperienceMinecraftwithyourfavoritecontrollerandalsoallowsyoutoplayMinecraftinasplit-screen ...,2012年5月7日—Hiall,I'veWehavecreatedamodallowingyoutocontrolMinecraftwithajoypad.ItworksbothinSSPandSMP,andyoucanuseitwhile ...,2017年4月3日—JoypadMod1.11.2,1.10.2allowsyoutoplayMinecraftinSplit-screenonaPC,andcontrolMinecraftwithajoypad.,InstallJoyPadMod1.8.St...