How to install Kaspersky Security 10 for Windows Server locally




卡巴斯基安裝下載套件:. 管理中心程式載點KSC12.2.0.4376 : 繁體中文 ; 英文. SQL Express 2017:

Kaspersky Small Office Security for Windows 產品安裝步驟

主程式下載連結. Kaspersky Small Office Security For Windows 主程式. 硬體及軟體需求. 1500 MB 磁碟可使用空間; 支援SSE2 指令集的處理器(ARM 除外 ...

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 Download

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 is the latest software from the Kaspersky Lab designed to make your computer immune to almost any threats.

Older versions of Kaspersky Internet Security (Windows)

Download previous versions of Kaspersky Internet Security for different Windows architectures and find a quick and safe solution to your problems.


評分 4.0 (4) · 免費 · Windows 此软件带有高级反病毒程序、防火墙、间谍软件及恶意软件扫描程序、反垃圾邮件、家长控制工具,只需轻轻一点即可使用。 卡巴斯基互联网安全套装的强大功能绝对值得你一试。

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Kaspersky Security for Windows Server

You can install Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on a server running a 32-bit or 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12 for Windows

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows: Detection of advanced threats, Control systems which prevent damage from the sensitive data theft.

Download Kaspersky Anti

Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 delivers premium protection from viruses, Trojans, spam, hackers and more.


我的卡巴斯基續約您的產品授權下載. 企業. KSOS 入口網站Kaspersky Business Hub續 ... Windows Server 2012 所有版本; Windows Server 2008 所有版本,Service Pack ...


卡巴斯基安裝下載套件:.管理中心程式載點KSC12.2.0.4376:繁體中文;英文.SQLExpress2017:,主程式下載連結.KasperskySmallOfficeSecurityForWindows主程式.硬體及軟體需求.1500MB磁碟可使用空間;支援SSE2指令集的處理器(ARM除外 ...,KasperskyAnti-Virus2012isthelatestsoftwarefromtheKasperskyLabdesignedtomakeyourcomputerimmunetoalmostanythreats.,Downloadprevious...