
How to troubleshoot kernel crashes, hangs, or reboots with kdump ...

kdump is a reliable kernel crash-dumping mechanism that utilizes the kexec software. The crash dumps are captured from the context of a freshly booted kernel.


kdump 是一种基于kexec 的内核崩溃转储机制,用来捕获内核crash(内核崩溃)的时候产生的crash dump。当内核产生错误时,kdump会将内存导出为vmcore保存到磁盘 ...

Linux内核调试之kdump 原创

kdump 是一种先进的基于kexec 的内核崩溃转储机制,用来捕获kernel crash(内核崩溃)的时候产生的crash dump。当内核产生错误时,kdump会将内存导出为vmcore ...

Linux kernel crash

This blog illustrates ways to use Kdump and Fadump features in Linux based systems. It also includes how to configure Kdump and Fadump for ...

Debugging kernel crashes using kdump

kdump is a service that creates crash dumps when there is a kernel crash. It uses kexec(8) to boot into a secondary kernel (known as a capture kernel).

Chapter 7. Kernel crash dump guide

kdump is a service which provides a crash dumping mechanism. The service enables you to save the contents of the system memory for analysis.

Linux 核心設計: Kernel Debugging(1): Kdump

Kdump 是Linux 核心的一個特殊功能,可在發生kernel panic 時建立Core Dump。當出現異常導致Kdump 被觸發時,kernel 會匯出一個記憶體的image,其在Linux 上 ... Overview · 建置與測試Kdump 環境 · 編譯Linux 核心 · 取得Core Dump

Kernel Study – Kdump and Crash

命令運行成功後,/var/carsh 目錄中會生成了一個以當前日期命名的目錄,包含dmesg.x 和dump.x 兩個檔案,其中demsg.x 為崩潰時候的系統kernel log,dump.x ...

Kernel crash dump

A 'kernel crash dump' refers to a portion of the contents of volatile memory (RAM) that is copied to disk whenever the execution of the kernel is disrupted.

kdump机制和crash常见使用- 苏小北1024

log:打印系统消息缓冲区,displays the kernel log_buf contents,如log | tail -n 30。 ps:显示进程的状态,>表示活跃的进程,如ps | grep RU。 sys:显示系统 ...


kdumpisareliablekernelcrash-dumpingmechanismthatutilizesthekexecsoftware.Thecrashdumpsarecapturedfromthecontextofafreshlybootedkernel.,kdump是一种基于kexec的内核崩溃转储机制,用来捕获内核crash(内核崩溃)的时候产生的crashdump。当内核产生错误时,kdump会将内存导出为vmcore保存到磁盘 ...,kdump是一种先进的基于kexec的内核崩溃转储机制,用来捕获kernelcrash(内核崩溃)的时候产生的crashdump。当内核产生...