Setting Up Kinect v2 On Windows 10

2023年6月1日—了解如何在Windows和Linux上下載並安裝AzureKinectSensorSDK。,Ifyouhaven'talreadydownloadedthepublicKinect2SDK,youcandownloaditfrom:MicrosoftKinect2SDK~280MB.IfyouhavealreadydownloadedtheSDK ...,KinectforWindowsSDKisatoolfordevelopersth...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Azure Kinect Sensor SDK 下載

2023年6月1日 — 了解如何在Windows 和Linux 上下載並安裝Azure Kinect Sensor SDK。

Kinect 2 for Windows

If you haven't already downloaded the public Kinect 2 SDK, you can download it from: Microsoft Kinect 2 SDK ~280MB. If you have already downloaded the SDK ...

Kinect for Windows SDK (Windows)

Kinect for Windows SDK is a tool for developers that can be used with Microsoft's Visual Studio to create apps that use the tracking technology.

Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0

2014年10月21日 — The Kinect for Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 2.0 enables developers to create applications that support gesture and voice recognition, ...

Kinect for Windows SDK v2 基本介紹

2014年12月29日 — 如果確定基本環境沒問題,手邊也有感應器的話,接下來就是要到官網(連結)、下載SDK 來安裝了~目前最新的版本是2014/10/21 的2.0.1410.19000(下載頁面 ...

Kinect for Windows SDK v2 基本介紹

2014年12月29日 — 如果確定基本環境沒問題,手邊也有感應器的話,接下來就是要到官網(連結)、下載SDK 來安裝了~目前最新的版本是2014/10/21 的2.0.1410.19000(下載頁面 ...

Kinect SDK

Download Kinect SDK 2.0.1410.19000 - A software development kit that aims to assist developers in creating applications that make use of the Kinect sensor ...

Kinesthesia Toolkit for Microsoft Kinect Download

下載Kinesthesia Toolkit for Microsoft Kinect 並尋找支援資訊。您可以透過此下載頁面存取Kinesthesia Toolkit for Microsoft Kinect 以及所有可用的版本。


Azure Kinect SDK is a cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device. Why use the Azure Kinect SDK. The Azure ...


2023年6月1日—了解如何在Windows和Linux上下載並安裝AzureKinectSensorSDK。,Ifyouhaven'talreadydownloadedthepublicKinect2SDK,youcandownloaditfrom:MicrosoftKinect2SDK~280MB.IfyouhavealreadydownloadedtheSDK ...,KinectforWindowsSDKisatoolfordevelopersthatcanbeusedwithMicrosoft'sVisualStudiotocreateappsthatusethetrackingtechnology.,2014年10月21日—TheKinectforWindowsSoftwareDevelopmentKit(SDK)2.0enable...
