kmt player
kmt player

支援各種常見的codec,而且軟體輕巧,比起微軟的WindowsMediaPlayer還輕巧,操作相當順暢。KMPlayer不只可直接播放一般常見的各式影音檔、MP3...,連Flash遊戲、影片 ...,2023年11月8日—KMPlayerisaversatilemultimediaplayerthatsupportsvariousvideoformats,inclu...


TheKMPlayerisaversatilemediaplayerwhichcancovervarioustypesofcontainerformatsuchasVCD,DVD,AVI,MKV,OggTheora,OGM,3GP,MPEG-1/2/4,WMV, ...

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KMPlayer 影音播放器v2024.2.22 繁體中文版!

支援各種常見的codec,而且軟體輕巧,比起微軟的Windows Media Player還輕巧,操作相當順暢。KMPlayer不只可直接播放一般常見的各式影音檔、MP3...,連Flash遊戲、影片 ...


2023年11月8日 — KMPlayer is a versatile multimedia player that supports various video formats, including 3D, 4K, and Ultra High Definition. Its flexibility in ...

Download KMPlayer 2024.1.25.16 for Windows

Download the latest version of KMPlayer for Windows. A multimedia player for everything. KMPlayer is a great alternative to other multimedia players for...


km播放機是一款完美的播放工具,可以播放所有類型的字幕和視頻。 高清視頻播放機,可支援智慧手機和平板電腦,播放4k、8k超高清視頻品質。 最新更新的km播放機添加了 ...

KMPlayer - All Video Player

KMPlayer is a perfect media player that can play all forms of high resolution videos, music, and subtitle files. Along with the flawless playback, ...


The KMPlayer is a versatile media player which can cover various types of container format such as VCD, DVD, AVI, MKV, Ogg Theora, OGM, 3GP, MPEG-1/2/4, WMV, ...

KMPlayer | No.1 Video player for PC

KMPlayer is an excellent free video player for PC with a user-friendly interface, Ultra HD support, 3D movies, clear subtitles, online streaming, and external ...

KMPlayer Official Site | Best Video Player

KMP - Best Video Player for Android · ㆍ Universal application : It can be played in tablet or smartphone everywhere you wanted. · ㆍ Screen Setting : Zoom in/out ...

The KMPlayer

The KMPlayer,簡稱KMP,是南韓作者姜勇囍(강용희)所開發的免費影音播放軟體。早期名叫「WaSaVi」播放器,歷時五年自主開發的韓文多媒體圖形視窗工程免費項目。


KMPlayer(Konqueror Media Player),是一款在Linux/UNIX作業系統中執行的影片播放器,使用Mplayer、xine和GStreamer作為解碼後端,為KDE的組件之一。


支援各種常見的codec,而且軟體輕巧,比起微軟的WindowsMediaPlayer還輕巧,操作相當順暢。KMPlayer不只可直接播放一般常見的各式影音檔、MP3...,連Flash遊戲、影片 ...,2023年11月8日—KMPlayerisaversatilemultimediaplayerthatsupportsvariousvideoformats,including3D,4K,andUltraHighDefinition.Itsflexibilityin ...,DownloadthelatestversionofKMPlayerforWindows.Amultimediaplayerforeverything.KMPlayerisagreatalte...