Kodak Ektra Review - Worst PHONE I've Used?!

IthasflipflashportandhavinganiceandgleamyKodar22mmlens,thereisnofocusingadjustmentsthoughanditsaperturesettingsandshutterspeeddials ...,2017年7月19日—TheKodakEktraisa$400Androidphonethatdoublesasapoint-and-shootcamera,sparingyouthehassleofcarryin...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Kodak Ektra 100

It has flip flash port and having a nice and gleamy Kodar 22mm lens, there is no focusing adjustments though and its aperture settings and shutter speed dials ...

Kodak Ektra Review

2017年7月19日 — The Kodak Ektra is a $400 Android phone that doubles as a point-and-shoot camera, sparing you the hassle of carrying around two devices. It ...

Kodak Ektra review

2017年8月19日 — Kodak Ektra, powered by a Mediatek Helio X-20 Decacore Processor with 3GB RAM is almost mid-range in its capabilities as a smartphone.

Kodak Ektra review

2017年7月5日 — The Ektra tries to be a great camera and a high-end phone at once, but it's not great at being either.

Kodak Ektra Smartphone (2016) Review

2017年7月6日 — The phone has a soft-touch leather effect, with a metal effect frame, and metal lens surround. The smartphone feels fairly solid, and the sim ...

Kodak Ektra Smartphone (2016) Review

We review the new Kodak Ektra Smartphone - a 21mp camera phone, with 4K video, designed for photographers with manual controls and numerous shooting modes.

Kodak Ektra Smartphone Review

2017年1月27日 — A smartphone for photography with only a mediocre camera? The Kodak Ektra slips up in its most important discipline and adds a dim, low-contrast ...

Kodak Lives! Ektra Is Surprisingly a Good Camera Phone ...

2017年6月29日 — Bottom Line. As a phone, the Ektra is pretty mediocre. Even though it has respectable performance, the Ektra falls short on battery, its display ...


IthasflipflashportandhavinganiceandgleamyKodar22mmlens,thereisnofocusingadjustmentsthoughanditsaperturesettingsandshutterspeeddials ...,2017年7月19日—TheKodakEktraisa$400Androidphonethatdoublesasapoint-and-shootcamera,sparingyouthehassleofcarryingaroundtwodevices.It ...,2017年8月19日—KodakEktra,poweredbyaMediatekHelioX-20DecacoreProcessorwith3GBRAMisalmostmid-rangeinitscapabilitiesasasmartphon...