人物×感染者×武器×介面×音效×特效|工作坊模組|Left 4 Dead 2 ...

[L4D2]Character_manager:一二代倖存者能同時存在;安裝此插件會導致在ThePassing地圖或含有一代NPC的三方圖當中,一代角色的玩家會被傳送到地圖之外 ...,UseSteamCMDtoinstalladedicatedserverofthegame/modyouwanttorun.Nowinstallmetaandsourcemodintoyourdedicat...。參考影片的文章的如下:



[L4D2]Character_manager: 一二代倖存者能同時存在; 安裝此插件會導致在The Passing地圖或含有一代NPC的三方圖當中,一代角色的玩家會被傳送到地圖之外 ...

[L4D2] How can I add addons to a dedicated L4D2 server?

Use SteamCMD to install a dedicated server of the game/mod you want to run. Now install meta and sourcemod into your dedicated server directory.

A guide on how to create a Left 4 Dead 2 server with mods ...

How To Mod The Left 4 Dead 2 Server. There are two methods used when modding a Left 4 Dead 2 server. The most common method is to install SourceMod and MetaMod ...

How to create a server with Left 4 Dead 2 mods?

To create a modded Left 4 Dead 2 server, install SourceMod and MetaMod. Also, the guide gives full details of using the GODLIKE panel for ...

How to Install Mods & Plugins on your Left 4 Dead 2 Server

Installing Mods. The easiest way to Left 4 Dead 2 mods is by directly uploading their .vpk file to your server's addons folder. You can find the most popular ...

My Local Server Pack. - Workshop

This is the stuff I use for my local server stuff on l4d2 if anyone is ever curious of what I use. Fair and Square, these mods help me enjoy ...

L4D2 Server Side Addons - Workshop

With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, ...

L4D2 Server Browser Addons (Mod) for Left 4 Dead 2

Download the mod L4D2 Server Browser Addons for Left 4 Dead 2. Custom Maps and Mods for Games.

How to host a server with addons? - l4d2

Simply need to change your server type to “Host Local Server” for it to implement those mods you have installed. Client sided mods, like model replacements, ...

dedicated l4d2 server with mods?

You gotta find the steam group for the server and join it. Then the servers for that group will be available to pick in the bottom right of the main menu.


[L4D2]Character_manager:一二代倖存者能同時存在;安裝此插件會導致在ThePassing地圖或含有一代NPC的三方圖當中,一代角色的玩家會被傳送到地圖之外 ...,UseSteamCMDtoinstalladedicatedserverofthegame/modyouwanttorun.Nowinstallmetaandsourcemodintoyourdedicatedserverdirectory.,HowToModTheLeft4Dead2Server.TherearetwomethodsusedwhenmoddingaLeft4Dead2server.ThemostcommonmethodistoinstallSourceModandMetaMod .....