Lago M38 Ace Tanker Battle, World of Tanks Console.

TheLagoisaSwedishtier4mediumtank.Developmentwasstartedin1936bytheLandsverkcompany.Thenewvehicleincorporatedsome ...,TheLagoM38isamixedbag,alightthatperformsmorelikeamedium.Itsmaingunisadequate,concealmentisokay,protectionisverygood, ...,Free-to-p...。參考影片的文章的如下:



The Lago is a Swedish tier 4 medium tank. Development was started in 1936 by the Landsverk company. The new vehicle incorporated some ...

Lago M38

The Lago M38 is a mixed bag, a light that performs more like a medium. Its main gun is adequate, concealment is okay, protection is very good, ...


Free-to-play mobile action MMO that plunges you into intense naval combat of the first half of the 20th century. ... Master of Orion. The iconic 4X strategy ...

Lago - World of Tanks

LagoTier IV Swedish Medium Tank ; Weaponry. DPM 1,546.92. Damage 110 ; Mobility. Top speed (km/h) 45. Reverse speed (km/h) 18 ; Everything Else. Hull armor (mm) 34 ...


Lago 瑞典 ... 由Landsverk 公司於1936 年開發。新車輛加入一些L-60 輕型戰車的元素。1939 年,匈牙利對該計畫產生興趣。到了1940 年第一輛原型車生產時,匈牙利決定要以Škoda ...


Lago 瑞典 ... Landsverk公司在1936年开始研发,注入了L-60轻型坦克的全新设计元素。1939年,引起了匈牙利军方的兴趣。1940年原型车制造成功后,匈牙利决定在Skoda T-21基础上 ...

Lago: review, characteristics, comparison

Development was started in 1936 by the Landsverk company. The new vehicle incorporated some elements of the L-60 light tank.

【V系攻略】Lago 攻略完全体颜值尚可

Lago 的优点是良好的机动能力和射击俯角。玩过S 系的T-28 和T-34 的玩家一定会对它们的57mm 口径主炮有深刻的印象,Lago 也有57mm 口径主炮--pvm43,比起S ...


Lago V系 ... 兰德斯维克公司在1936年开始研发的坦克,融合了L-60轻型坦克的一些设计。1939年时该坦克受到了外军的青睐,但在该坦克的首辆原型车于1940年下线时,前者又决定以 ...


TheLagoisaSwedishtier4mediumtank.Developmentwasstartedin1936bytheLandsverkcompany.Thenewvehicleincorporatedsome ...,TheLagoM38isamixedbag,alightthatperformsmorelikeamedium.Itsmaingunisadequate,concealmentisokay,protectionisverygood, ...,Free-to-playmobileactionMMOthatplungesyouintointensenavalcombatofthefirsthalfofthe20thcentury....MasterofOrion.Theiconic4Xstrategy ...,LagoTierIVSwedishMediumT...