
how to edit large size text file

Programmers generally use a free utility that does not need to be installed, which is appropriately named 'Large Text File Viewer': which will ...

Text editor to easily browse through a large text file

What simple text editor would you recommend to easily browse and scroll through a large file (a few hundred megabytes+)?

What is the best text editor for opening large files?

BBEdit. This is a popular choice for a lot of people and has been around for a very long time (like since the early 90s?). It's THE standard for ...

Text editor to open big (giant, huge, large) text files

Free editors: Your regular editor or IDE. Modern editors can handle surprisingly large files. In particular, Vim (Windows, macOS, Linux), Emacs ...

Is there a text editor for very big files? [closed]

I have a very big text file (10 GB). Both Notepad and Notepad++ tell me that the file is too big for them to open. What editor can handle such a ...

EmEditor (Text Editor)

EmEditor is capable of opening very large files — up to 16 TB or 1,099 billion lines — with only a little memory, leaving you free to work as large or small as ...

Free Large File Editor

A Free Large File Editor providing the ability to open and edit huge files (Gigabyte, Terabyte, even Petabyte files), with all features of a standard editor ...

What are the best text editors for manipulating very large data file of ...

I personally use Notepad++. Notepad++ (Windows) and Sublime Text (Windows, macOS, Linux) support files up to 2 GB.

Big text file editing : rsoftware

I used to use Sublime Text before with log files in the 100MB-1GB, these days I just use VS Code. A bit slower/laggier but it does the job.

Large Text File EditorViewer

UltraEdit can be used to open, edit, compare, and save large text files (even over 4+ GB!) We explain and break down configuration settings, here.


Programmersgenerallyuseafreeutilitythatdoesnotneedtobeinstalled,whichisappropriatelynamed'LargeTextFileViewer':whichwill ...,Whatsimpletexteditorwouldyourecommendtoeasilybrowseandscrollthroughalargefile(afewhundredmegabytes+)?,BBEdit.Thisisapopularchoiceforalotofpeopleandhasbeenaroundforaverylongtime(likesincetheearly90s?).It'sTHEstandardfor ...,Freeeditors:YourregulareditororIDE.Moderneditors...