Leica Captivate v8.50

OS:Win64Language:EnglishConvertsAutodesk®Civil3D®objectstoLeicaDBXfilesorHeXMLfilesforuseinIcon,Captivate,Vivaor1200seriesinstruments ...,LeicaGeosystemsbasedineasternSwitzerlandproducesproductsandsystemsforsurveyingandgeographicalmeasurement(geo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Leica Geosystems

OS: Win64 Language: English Converts Autodesk® Civil 3D® objects to Leica DBX files or HeXML files for use in Icon, Captivate, Viva or 1200 series instruments ...

Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems based in eastern Switzerland produces products and systems for surveying and geographical measurement (geomatics).

Data Processing Software

Leica Infinity. Office software that delivers an intuitive environment for the data processing of all total station, GNSS and digital level field data.

GIS Software

Leica Zeno Mobile One is an easy-to-use iOS and Android app for collecting high-accuracy GPS measurements and editing, visualising and sharing.


The surveying software is designed to manage, process, analyse and quality check all field survey measure data, including total stations, digital levels, GNSS ... Leica Infinity Surveying Software · Leica Captivate Surveying... · English

Shop Leica Geosystems Software Online in Australia

Leica Geosystems - Software. Work with raw data aquired using 3D laser scanners (LiDAR), GPS/GNSS receivers, total stations, photogrammetry, UAVs or even ...


OS:Win64Language:EnglishConvertsAutodesk®Civil3D®objectstoLeicaDBXfilesorHeXMLfilesforuseinIcon,Captivate,Vivaor1200seriesinstruments ...,LeicaGeosystemsbasedineasternSwitzerlandproducesproductsandsystemsforsurveyingandgeographicalmeasurement(geomatics).,LeicaInfinity.Officesoftwarethatdeliversanintuitiveenvironmentforthedataprocessingofalltotalstation,GNSSanddigitallevelfielddata.,LeicaZenoMo...